Glitching bitch in ORB tonight.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
I just left ORB's server on Suez and there was a Stroppy glitching inside the building at silo 3. PID: 144648944 He was inside the grain tower with somebody else providing him with support supplies. Since the 2nd character never killed anyone there that I saw I don' t know who it was, but if I see that little shit on our server's he's banned.
even though that is our server, ORB runs are the admins, we can pass the info for you :)
Thanks, I was hoping to pass that along and let everyone here know that if they see him he's a glitcher. I can't stand glitchers/cheaters they really piss me off.
Will do sixer. I have Sc00ge on Xfire.