Good / Bad


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Honorary Member
Oct 14, 2008
The good first; my new Samsung Galaxy S3; sweet things here & there the S-voice is a little disappointing; but overall a really nice phone.

The Bad!!!
My waterblock on my CPU has been leaking, not a bad tube or fitting. It's a two piece design & leaking between the metal & plastic. I bought it back in '09 & I'm guessing it has been leaking for a week. Tuesday morning my computer would not boot & giving me a series of beeps on trying to post. Code came up as graphics card...yea. The coolant ran down the side of my motherboard & on my graphics card. The PCI-e slot was filled with coolant...great. I'm not sure of the damage yet; I'm getting a cheap air cooler to see if my computer will even boot. Worst case my $300 MB & $500 GTX680 are paperweights.
Man that suxs. I know little about them but this is what scares me about water cooling. It took yours 3 years to start leaking but you got to think they all will eventually. Best of luck, I hope you can at least salvage the 680.
That blows goats big time balls. Can you use a hair dryer to try and dry out the MoBo and and everything else first?
Can you use a hair dryer to try and dry out the MoBo and and everything else first?

I have red residue left over where it dried; I'm hoping that everything is going to be ok; I'm guessing the MB is ok becasue it does a post check & it still powers up.
I see a lot of rubbing alcohol and q- tips in your future. Sucks though, you also can use a hair dryer to expedite the drying process.

Thumbed with my iPhone
Hope the card and cpu come out OK? Board is the cheapest part most of the time. Good luck to ya!
If it's EVGA video card, they'll replace it for penalties for water cooling damage! One of the reasons I love the EVGA cards. I think once it dries out it should be okay but I'll keep my fingers crossed just the same. So I'm thinking next water block is one piece?
The xspc? I think that's the company's name, but right now they have the best waterblock right now. From all of the reviews I read.

Thumbed with my iPhone
The good first; my new Samsung Galaxy S3; sweet things here & there the S-voice is a little disappointing; but overall a really nice phone.

US Dual core or International Quad Core? Assuming US i dont think the i9300 works on any of our 4G networks.
Guess your stuck on the laptop even longer? Main reason i never took the leap i cant afford a leak.

Good phone but nothing spectacular. I guess ill hold out for the next Samsung Nexus as 5 companies are now going to produce one. I like the Galaxy S line as u can tell but Nexus gets OS updates faster as well as a lot of 3rd party love.
I was looking for a good camera & really wanted the HTC One; but, AT&T sucks ass. Plus, I get an upgrade every year. Probably the closest camera to the Iphone.
If i remember correctly the One X got the short end as well. Dont get me wrong the S4 in the GS3 is epic and most people wont get the use out of either but i am on sprint. If i have to keep a phone 2 years it better be epic.

GS2 camera wasn't bad. A little more shutter lag than the nexus. Im on CyanogenMod 9 (Android 4.0.4) so i have the stock AOSP camera app and it allows for the Sweep Panorama.

I didnt try out s voice yet. We have it ported as well as some of the other features. But i think it requires Samsung firmware to use it. Epic 4G Touch is still officially on 2.3 as Sprint is stalling the update. We have a leak about 3 weeks old now.

I wanted the Note but the GS3 screen would be plenty now that its out.
this happened to me too so i just quit it with water cooling , not worth just replacing just about everything....i can achieve almost as good overclocks with a really good air cooled heat sink... ive done 4.1 with my i7 920 stable with air-cooled...........