Got my preorder

Oh no, I thought this was just a funny joke. This shit is really for sale?

Wow, you can almost hear the sound of people cancelling their pre-orders for the game and the squeals of delight from people with small dicks lining up to buy the cheats. I wonder if the cheats come with a chat shortcut key that says "I don't cheat, I'm a competitive pro gamer."
In response to the cheats for sale EA has dropped the price to $5 so the hackers can buy more copies once banned.
Myself.. I am just buying more KY for when I get butthurt.
Activision just started hardware bans for COD. even if they create another account its auto banned.. hopefully EA will do the same.. then again they will sell banned hardware to unsuspecting buyers and then find out they cant play a game..
There are many ways to get around hardware bans. It's more of a marketing thing where it looks like they're doing all they can but in reality they know there are ways around it and they can still sell more copies to the guys they just banned. I've been playing Tarkov the past couple of months, the hacking is rampant there, like getting shot through three walls bad, and they have hardware bans as well, does nothing. Plus they actually have to catch you hacking first, there's a reason the hacks to these games cost more than the games themselves, very hard for an anti cheat program to detect