GTX 560 Ti or?


Registered User
Nov 27, 2010
So I am seeking to upgrade my computer's graphics in order to handle better stuff like Crysis 3, and more importantly BF4. My budget is tiny atm (truth be told I have really no money to speak of) but eventually I'd like to upgrade. I have a GTX 560 TI from Gigabyte currently, and it works well. I was thinking to buy another one and go SLI, but there's a problem. The only one I can find is on Amazon for $280, which is more than I payed for the current one. Does anyone have one, or a place near them that has one cheaper? I'm guessing I can't use a 560 TI from another company to do SLI. I could also get a 650 TI from Microcenter for like 160, but it wouldn't be as good as SLI. Ideas?
My GTX 560 played BF3 just fine, and I Think it will handle BF4 well. You probably will be able to play on medium or so settings. My personal advice would be to wait until you can do a full upgrade and spend $250-300 dollars. I know many people have issues with SLI, so it would be a shame to spend the money and not get a performance increase.
you will need to invest in proper cooling and youll handle bf4 fine. when the gtx series overheats it turns shit yellow (roads in bf3 prime example)
I have noticed this in the past. Its rare, but it does happen. Which is odd given the fact it usually runs cool, it seems random at times. Are there good ways to improve cooling outside of case fans and such. I know there's water cooling but I'm not sure I need it that much.
To answer your question, yes you can go Sli with a 560Ti from another manufacture, the rule is that it has to have the same GB amount, you cant mix a 1GB model with a 2GB model.

I wouldn't recommend the 650 Ti, the 560TI is more powerful and, you cant sli the 650 TI as it has no sli connector, the 650 Ti "Boost" is the one that does Sli.

As pointed above, there are sometimes issues with Sli, but not as frequent, AMD crossfire however, those are headaches.

What model Gigabyte 560TI card do you have, have you tried Ebay?
Why not just spend $320 on an AMD 7970 and have a great card for a low price instead of relying on two mediocre cards that have wonky performance in BF titles? SLI and Cross fire don't work too well in BF titles so why bother with it.
to improve cooling you can go bootleg like he who must not be named anymore did, a huge fan that makes your wife want to divorce you. or you can do some electrical engineering with the case fans, boost em a little, a better cooling block is also never a bad idea
IMO, I would go for a HD7950 right now. You can get them really cheap. Around $189 - $260 on Newegg right now. BF4 is AMD based you you will benefit more having an AMD card in that situation, but for Crysis 3, it is more PhysX based, so Nvidia would be the winner there.

You'll have to decide which you like better :P. A HD7950 with perform about the same level as a GTX760, but it you overclock the 7950, you will surpass the GTX760.

If you felt like waiting and dropping a bit more money you could wait till October Q4 2013 for AMD's 9000 series GPU's to come out as well.
or u could just buy my old 560TI off me for around 75. Its just sitting in a box in its ESD packaging.
FYI I dumped my GTX 560 Ti SLI because of huge issues with newer drivers and constantly getting errors and artifacts while playing BF3. Temporarily upgraded to a single GTX 760 and its has been flawless, but will be upgrading from it this holiday. If cash is a short term issue, seek a line of credit through any number of vendors ie Amazon, Paypal, Newegg, etc...Many offer NO interest for 6-12 months on purchases over $250, which should be more than enough time to pay off your purchase.
Bumping for new question. My specs are - Gigabyte GA77X - UD3H MB, i5 2500K, 8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3, OCZ Vertex SSD 90 GB, Seagate 500GB HDD, and 1 GTX 560 TI, 2 when I go SLI. The question is about my PSU. I currently possess an Antec 650W PSU. Extreme Power Supply says I need a recommended 513 W for this setup. So should I be okay with my current PSU?
I would sell the 560ti on ebay for whatever you can and upgrade to at least a 7950, though a 7970 is a better deal right now. The cash will hurt some, but it will give you the best increase/least headaches for the money.
Yes your PSU should be fine. I ran on a 650 PSU for a long time, I have a 750 that I will probably never need to replace wattage wise.
Are you doing any CPU overclocking? Are you going to overclock the GPU(s)?
Wasn't planning to. At this point anyways I can't clock the CPU regardless, I'm still using the stock cooler. But I plan to replace it soon.
Well since normie decide not to sell me his TI...I've decided to wait till the Beta to see how it performs, at which point I may sell the TI towards an upgrade, or buy BF4 straight out.
I'm probably going to try to upgrade to a Radeon 7870. Thoughts? I have an Intel CPU if that matters, which I don't think it does.
Id wait until the beta. Whats was your goal again (resolution and settings).

I am already running for the hills to get a 770 based on the alpha results. I am literally giving my 570 to Kublakhan it was that bad in the Alpha. But then again I want to keep recording in near max settings at 1080P.