GTX 770's Released

If your buying stock cooler reference designs then the only part that brand matters is warranty. I mean unless there is a brand your scared just makes crap period and wont replace it under said warranty. Brand offerings don't really show until you get into the custom cooler, custom design cards.

I like MSI's custom coolers. Under Nvidias current crap rules serious volt modding is out these days with any manufacturer. Which ones is it that will honor water damage, evga i think?
Hmmm, good points, I guess I'll have to look into the warranties. But there are a few cards that they have released that don't have the reference fans, like MSI with the twin frz IV / EVGA with their new cooling system / Gigabyte windforce. I'm guessing they all will have similar performance, so probably just going to pull the trigger on one. They are all around $400-410 on Newegg.
That's the sweet spot right now, better performance than a 680 at a lower cost.
I've had 4 Evga cards and never a problem.
plus I know overclocking doesn't void their warranty