
Retired Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Any feedback is more then welcome on this guide.

The problems that I have had so far with you guys is that we don't work together. The gunship's can only help us so much before we die because of lack of teamwork.

Here is what I recommend for both transports;

We need 1 person who is always going to be able to stay on the guns. We need 2 people who are constantly switching from repairing and SAAWing. We also need 1-2 open spots to make switching seats possible.

The way I see it, I can only evade so much before we die. It would help me out as well as you guys if at least 2 people use the SAAW constantly and the same 2 people repair as always. I thought it would be good for the following people to be on gunning duty (obviously we can rotate). What do you guys think we should have for the rotation and gunning?

Thanks for all input!
I have some input...

1. Fucking repair. You get points for repairing.
2. Don't just toss motion mines out the back into nowhere and neglect repair duty. Boohoo you aren't on the guns.
3. Don't yell three or four times into vent about any enemy gunship, APC, SAAW, etc. Once is just fine.
4. Get to the Choppah!
ill take the f2 gun for EU. i know its not hard to use but i think im good at it.

for PAC i will saaw/repair in f5/f7 the whole time.

i hate the pac guns so ill stay out of them. they fire slow, heat up fast, and cool down slow. ill bring a vehicle sensor, MM, and a saaw to use when not repairing.
Damn ya two lol it seems that i have to join your team on the near future cuz i tried to kill that transport but i got pwned 001 :D
I agree with Soulzz. Gotta have at least 4 people in there, one as an all-time repair/saaw, the other two on guns until a gunship gets on, then its 2 on saaw/repair with the other gunner seat switching to hit the gunship. You could throw in a 5th person as an extra if you've got that as an option, but that limits seat switching. Hopefully I'll catch you guys the next round, either on board or helping with gunship cover
hell yeah me and incog make a great team when it comes to raping people. For some reason I hardly miss with the tv when Im with him. Eddie you can join in the other one if you like. Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 008 057 064
hell yeah me and incog make a great team when it comes to raping people.

Uh.. like a tag team?