Hello to all ... I just joined


Registered User
Feb 12, 2020
I have been playing on some of the TBG servers off and on for quite some time. They run very well.

I wanted to know how popular is BF3? The server seems to be busy most of the time.
I might purchase BF3 because I am getting tired of BF4.
Translated to human... "Welcome.. "Just Joined"...
(bad reference to the Idiocracy movie)
I think that I will purchase BF3.
I had BF5 and dumped it in about two days.
Welcome to the TBG community. BF3 is a lot of fun, I'm tempted to reinstall it and play it again.
Just purchased BF3 from Origin for $19.99. Was on sale, 50% off. WTH, I said to me, DO IT! lol
The game runs out of the browser ... really tacky.
I have Premium but game shows as Limited ... supposedly this is normal.
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Welcome to the TBG community. BF3 is a lot of fun, I'm tempted to reinstall it and play it again.

so when you say "bf3" you are referring to the game and not your penis right? I didn't know you Canadians could uninstall your unit and then actually reinstall it!!! Wow the things people can do these day's.......
I have not seen any TBG caln members in BF3 and only a couple ever in the BF4 servers.
How come the clan does not use their clan tag in their name?
We do use them, we don't have alot of people on the BF3 server though. @xxlliquid is the only regular I can think of on that server.

On BF4 you will usually find us on the all maps, 2/3, or Locker server.
I have been playing on some of the TBG servers off and on for quite some time. They run very well.

I wanted to know how popular is BF3? The server seems to be busy most of the time.
I might purchase BF3 because I am getting tired of BF4.
Welcome Nemesis!!!
I dumped BF3. I couldn't play on the TBG server. Too many hops.