Hey TBG Guys


Registered User
Mar 3, 2009
While I'm not new to your servers, but I am new to the site. I just talked soulz, while I'm waiting to be approved to a TBG member, but I would like to play with ya guys in a squad. You can judge yourself if I'm good or not, but atleast don't boot me out of the squad!!! LOL

(not that I booted for bad reasons, it's to make room for the TBG guys)

Thanks, see out in the battle.

BTW I typically play in tampa

Hey Rigdon,

We'll keep an eye out for you. I hardly ever play Tampa, but I'll be sure to look for you when I do.
Making sue you speak up in vent will help to eliminate that.
happens to me too sometimes. Sniff sniff. :(
Yea, Vent is oddly useful... If I happen to play Tampa I'll hit up a match or two with you, mostly I play Suez.
Most of the guys rack up some great scores by just squading up; if you know that your gonna do just fine.
I've played with RC several times on Tampa, good player from what I can remember. Team oriented.
I'm a lazy team player... you tell me to attack, I lay down and shoot, you tell me to defend, I roll over and fake death. Works for me :D