How to deal with UCAV players

hahahah you actually think we care about KDR and WL Ratio. That's cute.
Ok, since this post won't seem to die I'll tell you how to deal with them. Go after them, physically. You can snipe them, but that might be a losing battle. If you go after them on foot or air drop, you can F them up. The only problem is they like to play maps that have good base spawn cover and some times you can get all the way to them. :)
That doesn't work either. Ask Rob, he just get beat up by a bunch of old men.
Works for me... but except for certain maps like Popaganda where the enemy spwn area is ginormous... and there are no aircraft..
Is there anything sadder than a UCAV'er trying to UCAV right into the METRO map tunnels? Not really. Good effort though, trololololo.
Good ucavers have a high "flags defends" count & have a positive win loss ratio (1.0 or better) They also have a high kdr. A ucaver that has a w/l ratio in the 70's & a low flag defends count & a kdr less than 2.0 is just a very avg. player, nothing to complain about.

You seriously think we care about win/loss with a K/D like this one?

UCAVs always win!