How to loose a week-end


Registered User
Feb 20, 2011
I'll try to make it short but.....
The whole story started around jan. when I install my 240G SSD to replace the 128 that was filling up.
Thanks to Ball's advice to use TrueImage (backup tool to move the OS from the 128SSD to the 240SSD)
and thanks God, I decided to start using the backup...
In fact starting around that time, the hard disk light started to turn steady on for 5-6 sec and the
PC was slowing down dramatically during that time.
On the same SATA chip, I had the SSD and the CD/DVD/BR R/W. The other SATA chip is used for 3 HD in RAID5 and the 128SSD.
The situation just got worst and worst till this week where the light was turning on steady.
The PC was hangning, and I had to hard reset it many times.... till it corruupt the SSD.
At that time I was suspecting the SSD even if it seems unlikely. I had disconnected all the uncessary USB and stuff.
Enough corrupting to end out trying re-installing windows from the original CD.
I wasn't even capable of going through the installation process, as the PC just hang with the fucking HD light ON in
the middle of the installation. So trying to debug the stuff while installing the OS.... a lot of fun!
Untill I switch the fucking DVD/BR R/W with the one from my old rig.
Then everything start working like a charm, re-install windows, true-image, restore my C: image and back to work in 3 hours.
So looking back at the w-e, I feel I could have suspect the CD before, but fuck how a stupid CD that does
nothing/is empty can hang the SATA and the the PC.
Anyway, just want to give you the story in case it happens to you and it could save your w-e.

That sucks. I had a simaler experience with a graphics card preventing my computer from even turning on...since when do video cards short out and prevent the power button from work? Oh well. Glad you figured it out.