How to share one router without ad-hoc , Win7 and UBUNTU [SOLVED!!!]


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011
Well, I've been on and off wifi with my gf for 2 months now, today we had enough and decided to find a solution.

In France, you pay per IP and there are no ipv4 addresses, this causes an issue when you want to connect more than one computer into your home network. an ip conflict which fucks up the net for everyone and your win 7 counterpart loses connectivity.

The router will assign you the same ip no matter what, you can have like 3 modems, but you pay for one ip and thats it. that's what you'll have to do with. French people don't find it as a serious problem as they usually grill snails, climb mountains or have sex with their beautiful wife. I however am currently poor and cant grill snails or climb mountains and the third one is exhausting, I need internet.

You can spend all the time you want in windows network settings and shit, but when you want to connect win7 and ubuntu under one IP, you will not succeed, the ubuntu will find it impossible to connect to an ad-hoc created by win7.

Step 1: Enable both wireless adapters, the main and virtual miniport
Step 2: Take out automatic connection to the wifi on the minion (my case, ubuntu)
Step 3: Download Virtual Router :
Configure it to your liking and be sure to tell your wife. You need to be connected to the connection you want to share.
Step 4: Click the "Start Virtual Router" button.
Step 5: Tell your wife to connect to the network with the explicitly profane name with the messed up password.
Step 6: Hugs and kisses are coming your way, hide.

I am going to leave this on these forums should I ever forget this again.
I don't even understand how this would work...doesn't internet there give you an IP for the modem and then you use a router for DHCP addressing for computers?
the internet companies are so capitalist here that one router only gives out one ip.
the internet companies are so capitalist here that one router only gives out one ip.

So basically you're saying your router doesn't do DHCP? We usually call that a switch or if its wireless an access point. Any real router assigns internal IP's. The Modem is assigned an IP address from the ISP, if you want multiple computers on the same ISP without paying for extra IP's you walk into a damned Walmart and buy a router.

I don't know if the IPv6 is complicating the situation but what I have heard so far sounds like every ISP in America and not even a problem. I ran into this the first time I ever had cable internet. We had a switch hooked to the modem and the first computer to boot had internet. So we paid for extra IP's. Later on I took a Pentium 1 with 5 network cards and built a router out of it... Ghetto days man ghetto days.
I rent this place of a not so tech-savvy guy, he took what the ISP provided, the router does not let multiple internal IPs exist. Then again, it is the cheapest offer he took, might be something to do with that. Either way, my laptop is now our hotspot.