How's the hit registration on Battlefield 3? Looking to get a copy..

St. Croix

Registered User
Oct 7, 2012
I have owned and played Battlefield3 for a couple of months after it came out, but had some problems re-installing it after getting a new computer system.
I want to get another copy but I am reluctant to, because I was not sure if they improved the registration or not. I remember playing with about 50 ping and I used to get horrible reg even, at close ranges. However the game has been out for awhile and I was wondering if they improved it with all the updates they have put out. I am wondering if you guys can help me since you guys can tell me from experience..

thanks :medium-smiley-071:
idk, today when i played i didnt swear at all about my bullets not killing people, its all about how you aim and how you hold the trigger
sorry for double post.

i have very good aim, in all the games i play, so i don't think accuracy would be the issue, but it seemed like they were shooting me before I even turned the corner, and the shots i did fire, it didn't hit them at all. Maybe its something wrong on my end, I don't know
sorry for double post.

Maybe its something wrong on my end, I don't know

bf3 is a real bitch about "run&gun" , if you move sideways while firing you don't hit a single round where you would expect it to, same with suppression, it just rapes your accuracy, need to adapt to battlefield when coming from cod, need to use cover and static fire positions
actually, the problem is not in the hit registration, but more in the damage, the guns are piss weak, only way you can overpower people is through greater rate of fire or superior tactics
You missed it at 10 bucks a month ago.

Do4k doesn't like any games anymore. Besides its the new trend new games suck. You have 3 choices in making a game that people like. Develop the same game for 10 years, make a game that plays like its 10 years old. Or make it bug free. Since that's impossible pick one of the first 2 or just make a game people will complain about.

Game uses client side hit detection but it sure as hell doesn't act like it sometimes. Personally strafing left to right works very well and I often use it to speed match a target running across the map rather than pivot.
if you think the guns are piss weak, play the hardcore mode. Much quicker kills/deaths.

While not realistic per se, it does force you to play position a bit more than a COD style game. Both have their fun points imo. I just prefer BF series.
Hit detection is fine. Just shoot at someone and come back in 5 minutes when they're dead.
i like it, just not the best game, i actually want to play bc2 more than bf3..... i miss my AT4 :*(
It depends of which patch; you get used to one gun & Dice changes it; I wish they had some real gamers in their development team. Dice listens to all the crybabies about OP guns; next year the game will have 50 weapons that have the same accuracy, same bullet drop, & same damage;

the only time now I see problems is when I'm lagging or high pingers that bullets magically wrap around them.
I have the physical cd, but not the cd key

Ahh I see, that sucks man.
Hit detection is just like most other games out today, there are a few bugs, but overall it is fine. If you can get it cheap it would be worth it.
Not perfect, but not so bad you end up strangling your kids when things don't go your way. And metrospam aside, it's a huge game - 9 game modes right now, 30 maps when EG comes out, huge unlock tree, decent single player, coop, 30+ vehicles, 100+ weapons and separate unlock progression for each.

Worth $5 (?) for a key.