I can gift Steam Mobile access to someone, who's worthy bitches!


Mar 6, 2011
Alright so apparently the scoop is they let the first 95,000 people who tried to login have access. Any of you who got in have a gift you can pass on to someone.

I have myne and I am going to offer it to a friend of myne but I dont think he is going to use it so who is next? Looking for someone who really wants it for the chat feature etc, not just cause they wanna be in a beta.
If no one is more worthy I would like it. Steam is actually my main communicator with friends back home as well as with my girlfriend. but thats about it, not too many people outside of a small group
If no one is more worthy I would like it. Steam is actually my main communicator with friends back home as well as with my girlfriend. but thats about it, not too many people outside of a small group

I guess you didn't end up getting in? Add me on steam RainMotorsports when I wake up if my friend hasnt responded then ill send it your way.
Rain, I just got in. did you send the invite or did valve finally cave to my sexyness?
I got in. PM me or add me on Steam (offtherails) anyone who wants it.
Nah Mother you got in guess theyre still sorting out the first list lol.

Myne is still available for anyone who didnt try to sign into the app before.