i crashed my car..


Registered User
Feb 9, 2011
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/aS42yLd31NU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bridge 1, Car 0

Slaughter rule has been instituted. This is a good example of why you stay the fuck out of the left lane if you aren't planning on making time, you never know when some clown is in a race with death.
This guy was running from the cops and decided to end it all. It's an old clip.
I saw this on Believe it or Not or some such show years ago. They tried to recreate the incident. If the same video, the driver fell asleep, launched the car, and was miraculously catapulted away from the impact, back onto the travel lanes of that side of the highway. Walked away unscathed iirc. In Ohio or some other Midwest state.

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This guy was running from the cops and decided to end it all. It's an old clip.
It was about 3 years ago on I-70 near Dayton, OH. It shut down the interstate during rush hour. I think the driver actually survived. Pissed drivers would have killed him for screwing up their commute if they could have gotten to him.
How he made it through that alive is without a doubt a miracle. It's ironic how the little accidents kill sometimes and one like that some one walks away... I guess we all got a specific time to go.
Is it just me or does that center support column actually shudder a little bit during impact?