I have officially been titled.....


Registered User
Mar 3, 2009
Well, I can't go into some of the finer details of the conversation. Let's just say I found myself engulfed in a covneration with a couple of anthropologists. And we got on the topic of Contractors in a combat zone. And the end result of the conversation was that I (a contractor) is viewed as a Soldier of Fortune. Though, I don't tote a weapon, I am however hired by the US to serve the military. And so, I am viewed as a combatant. Despite the common definition of a SoF, which I understood it be. And I disputed this claim until it was clarified to me what the variable definition of a SoF was.

In hindsight, I can see how a person of my status can be viewed. I just never considered myself in that way.
Personally, if they want to label you a SoF, I would push for WarWhore. Has a much edgier sound to it. I wouldn't let their labels be an issue, employed is always a good thing, right?
I wholeheartily agree with you Mac, it doesn't bother me all that much. And maybe I'll make my next Gamertag " W.R. Monger" . lol
I am not an Adjunct nor do I have any Knowledge/experience on military law but.... from my limited understanding

In regards to the law:

If you are "combatant" should'nt you by every right be allowed to carry a weapon for self defensive purposes? that would dictate you being a combatant would it not? it would also give a Geneva Conevntions catagory where you would have some protection under that.

even tho the fucking Terrorists do not abide by GC or even give a shit, but it may get you out of some "sticky" situations.

If you are not a combatant than a completely different set of laws apply to you.

This is something I would DEFINATELY go to the S1 shop or local JAG and find out.

Personally, If a bunch of stuffy "Anthropologists" were talking to me about War shit and what they consider me outside of an academic environment, I would have told them to go talk to the fucking locals to and find out a way to fix the people problem instead of entertaining idle bullshit. with a far more diverse array of expletives of course ;) but that's just me...that and find out a where to go and get a weapon in case of an emergency.
Well, there's the #1 rule as a contractor - I have every right to defend myself against harm at any means nessasary.

Under a legal point, I do not think the US considers me a SoF, it's the outside entities looking that do. And you hit the nail on the head. they do not play by the same set of rules we do.
G out of curiosity even if they considered you non combatant is there anything that prevents you from carrying atleast a pistol while off base?

My (ex) best friend has been in the region for a couple of years and under went weapons training before commencing volunteer work. I haven't spoken to her since she left from germany so no clue if she actually carries or not. Kinda had a fight before she left I dunno if i will ever hear from her lol.
I'm priror army, I fought this war as soldier in 2003. I have no worries about my abilities to defend myself. ;)
I'm priror army, I fought this war as soldier in 2003. I have no worries about my abilities to defend myself. ;)

I didn't question your ability to use lol, I asked about ability to carry. Word goes both to skill and legality definition wise, can be confusing though. I would figure onto base might be an issue. But the question is off base.
I'm a contractor of a non-combatant status(U.S. thinking). So I'm not issued a weapon, but I have plenty of military folks around me that know I'd help if things came to that.