I just don't know how you guys do it?


Registered User
Oct 31, 2014
I have now played my first 10 games of Squad and have only 1 kill and probably 50+ deaths.
I have been playing Battlefield since it first came out along with all the new releases and I have never had this much of a problem being able to hold my own. No matter what side i'm on it seems like the enemy must have cloaking devices, I never see them...but they most certainly see me!
I have to hand it to you guys that can get kills because I cant.
They key is having fun. Your KDR is not a measure of fun. It's true getting walked on isn't fun. I haven't played squad yet and tend to dislike a lot of the non battlefield games because either I suck or they suck. But even in battlefield I suck a lot.

Teamwork is where its at and teamwork is also where you may find success. I found my niche in BF3 doing 64 player TDM. But when Balls and Renno joined me for a day we placed top 3 every round. Not bad considering on average I have a 0.6 KDR lol.
I have now played my first 10 games of Squad and have only 1 kill and probably 50+ deaths.
I have been playing Battlefield since it first came out along with all the new releases and I have never had this much of a problem being able to hold my own. No matter what side i'm on it seems like the enemy must have cloaking devices, I never see them...but they most certainly see me!
I have to hand it to you guys that can get kills because I cant.
I highly recommend watching YouTube videos of gameplay, and just trying easier kits like medic for example. That way you are focused more on teamwork. Squad is not about the KDR so to speak, but about how you play together as a team :).
i would also recommend starting as a medic as well. Stick to your SL and DONT RUN everywhere all the time. Be tactical. Don't be a loner Like me
It was miserable my first 50 hours
Squad is not a run-n-gun or fragging type of game. I've had several matches where I was in the highest-scoring squad and had the highest points in the Squad and I didn't get a single kill.

I agree with everything these guys said above. Squad is alllll about working as a team. Focus on capturing and defending the points and try to do smaller things like Logi runs and building your structures and defensive weapons, etc.

Being Medic is fun too. Stay towards the back of the Squad and if your guys go down, pop some smoke, sneak in there on your belly and heal em up so they get into the fight!

Most importantly, have fun!
join a squad with a TBG or other different clan as squad lead, and follow his/her instructions and you will do good.
Thanks all for your comments and directions. I have watched many Squad videos and have started entering as Medic and am slowly learning the tricks of the trade. See you there!
When I play medic I get a little to into roleplaying, but it keeps it fun
Here is one of the biggest pointers I can give someone.. I am not a very good player either, these are just some things I have learned.

When you are shooting at a person from distance.. Just tap and keep following them.. Never go full auto unless its CQC.
Shooting at a chest is a bigger target than someones head.. So start at the chest and let recoil do the work.
Do not be afraid to peak a corner first if you suspect someone is there.
You have one grenade use it wisely.
I find medic is a good class but maybe try riflemen to start. You have less impact on a game.
Personally if I am a squad lead.. I would rather have someone to listens to direction then RAMBO running around trying to kill everything..

Last but not least.. Have fun. This game isn't meant to be taken seriously. Laugh a little a learn new things along the way. You will get better over time. People will always camp corners and shoot you from god knows where.

Have fun and rest comes easy
I will say this about the run and gun, if you plan on doing that you have to commit to your movement so if you're trying to sprint around to flank an enemy position you should check your line which will give you the most cover & how to move through that once you're there. It all boils down to the information you have & making decisions based on that. If you've attacked from the north 3 times, try the south.

Learn areas of the map that are common place for FOBs or troop movement, this is very important for defense because it will allow you to get a better idea where they're coming from.

If you want to check and look outside a window or something on Al Basrah, you have to OWN that space. A lot of people will poke their head out and then immediately go back in the room only to poke out again a few seconds later allowing a very easy kill, once you get to the window you check it once, pie the angle so you don't expose yourself and then when you're done don't use that window & try changing firing positions.

Be decisive in your movements, find your line of cover, gather all info you can on where the enemy is & adjust, Own your position, try not to skyline or expose yourself.
Had the same issue when I started playing, practice,practice,practice. Your eyes will eventually adapt and you will be able to spot movement easier in time. Also watch your map often, good squad leaders will mark enemy positions for you. Have fun, be patient, and the kills will come, This game is not easy, but very rewarding. Goto the firing range and test each weapon out,What I do is when I'm firing at enemys ill pretend I'm still on the range hitting targets. A lot of other good advice here aswell, also managing your stamina for battles is huge, especially in v10.
YOU NEED TO BE SNEEKY SNEEKY running full sprint alone will only result in failure go slow and check corners when in forest bound cover to cover
Thanks all for your comments and directions. I have watched many Squad videos and have started entering as Medic and am slowly learning the tricks of the trade. See you there!
I've been watching it on youtube and looks pretty cool. I'm going to start learning about it
probably takes 30 days or more to get any good at it.... 8 months or whatever and i still die a lot!!
In the 3 rounds i played to me it is remotely sort of like playing battlefield 3 or 4 on the mega hardcore server settings but much much better as far as game-play strategy ,squad cohesion and soldier kits.