I love TBG servers but...


Registered User
Oct 5, 2022
I've been playing on TBG servers for a long long time and I love hopping in and being able to see a few familiar names and chat. It really does bring back good memories for me and I think TBG is a lot why BF4 is still alive on the east coast. However, I've noticed in the all maps conquest server that every single time I've logged in for the past few weeks there are UCAV abusers either on my team, the enemy team, or both. Now fair enough, I usually think if it's in the game, it's in the game and it's fair play and most of the time I just die a few times to them, no big deal. However, it's been happening way more lately to the point that we were playing on Propaganda and we were getting railed because 5-7 members of my own team were just sitting in spawn spamming UCAVs. It's making the server unplayable and catering to UCAV spammers, not playing the objective, and either letting your own team down or abusing a mechanic that has almost no counterplay. I know you literally can't go back to old CoD games because they're all hacked, and I really don't want to see Battlefield 4 go the same way but with only UCAVs. I LOVE BF4 and these servers rock, they're always full and I get to play all the maps so I really do care about the health of the servers. I know just me requesting to ban them (or do something) doesn't mean jack to TBG but if any feel the same way I do, perhaps we can sway the community.
Unfortunately, This is just the way some people like to play the game, they enjoy doing it and it is 100% allowed here. As the server titles go. No restrictions.

Couple of our members fall into that group of UCAV / Mortar Gamers... I am one of them. And I even use a Flir SCAR-H to stir the pot some more.
Learning how to UCAV can also take some skill and learning and having the airburst isn't free. Gotta do some work if you want that.
Unfortunately, This is just the way some people like to play the game, they enjoy doing it and it is 100% allowed here. As the server titles go. No restrictions.

Couple of our members fall into that group of UCAV / Mortar Gamers... I am one of them. And I even use a Flir SCAR-H to stir the pot some more.
Learning how to UCAV can also take some skill and learning and having the airburst isn't free. Gotta do some work if you want that.
I kind of already made that point but it's like what if everyone just sat and waited for tanks and didnt play? Or everyone just ran claymores, and not just one round, like everytime you loaded in, it's gonna impact the game and when 2 squads are in the back camping it will end up killing the server eventually as more and more spammers are the only thing that's left.
I play our all maps often and if you want to be effective you need to learn to avoid UCAVs. Alteredacer will tell you a story about when I first started playing here and I had to adjust my play on almost every map in order to avoid UCAVs. The best advice I can give is this:

1. Detach yourself from groups by at least 5 meters at all times. As a medic you should be running smoke grenades to stay mobile and get in and out of hot zones without all of you being targeted.

2. Rethink all of your movement paths. Stay away from any narrow corridors (the side alleys at C on propaganda are a good example of where NOT to be) and stay away from areas close to the enemy spawn if those areas have minimal overhead cover. If you have to go to these areas you need to run smokes or run cover to cover as you hear UCAVs overhead. You actually need to listen and time your movement if your area is being targeted.

3. It sounds stupid, but stop bhoping / jumping as you run. I can't tell you how many times I've been told by a UCAVer that the only reason they spotted me out in the open was because I was drawing attention to myself.

4. Don't camp without overhead cover or some kind of concealment. Don't camp around a group of people who are easily spotted.

5. Prioritize killing MAVs.

I hope this helped. I don't use UCAV personally but as a tryhard in our servers I respect the amount of skill required to be an effective UCAV player. It really is harder than you think and the reality is that it's a part of the game just like vehicle players or AEK users. You will need to adjust your play accordingly and get better.

tl;dr get good lmao
I play our all maps often and if you want to be effective you need to learn to avoid UCAVs. Alteredacer will tell you a story about when I first started playing here and I had to adjust my play on almost every map in order to avoid UCAVs. The best advice I can give is this:

1. Detach yourself from groups by at least 5 meters at all times. As a medic you should be running smoke grenades to stay mobile and get in and out of hot zones without all of you being targeted.

2. Rethink all of your movement paths. Stay away from any narrow corridors (the side alleys at C on propaganda are a good example of where NOT to be) and stay away from areas close to the enemy spawn if those areas have minimal overhead cover. If you have to go to these areas you need to run smokes or run cover to cover as you hear UCAVs overhead. You actually need to listen and time your movement if your area is being targeted.

3. It sounds stupid, but stop bhoping / jumping as you run. I can't tell you how many times I've been told by a UCAVer that the only reason they spotted me out in the open was because I was drawing attention to myself.

4. Don't camp without overhead cover or some kind of concealment. Don't camp around a group of people who are easily spotted.

5. Prioritize killing MAVs.

I hope this helped. I don't use UCAV personally but as a tryhard in our servers I respect the amount of skill required to be an effective UCAV player. It really is harder than you think and the reality is that it's a part of the game just like vehicle players or AEK users. You will need to adjust your play accordingly and get better.

tl;dr get good lmao
......and keep an AA mine in your cargo shorts.
I've told many people this but if you really want to deal with ucavs you just need to travel with another assault player and stay spread apart. I die to ucavs all the time but the vast majority of the time my squadmates will just pick me up like nothing happened.
......and keep an AA mine in your cargo shorts.

I've told many people this but if you really want to deal with ucavs you just need to travel with another assault player and stay spread apart. I die to ucavs all the time but the vast majority of the time my squadmates will just pick me up like nothing happened.

Both are great advice. So many ways to play around other people who enjoy the game differently than you!
I noticed you applied to be a member of TBG. How can you effectively be a member when you openly post that you hate UCAV players which many of the other members here at TBG are? I believe it shows your ill intent.
I feel like we should make a sticky post about Ucavs because this subject comes up every 5 months or something.