I need a new MB ..... Suggestions?

I don't know what the UEFI BIOS means... I will try and read up on it right quick..
I don't know what the UEFI BIOS means... I will try and read up on it right quick..

It means UEFI BIOS. Nothing to read up on the bios is based on EFI, all systems are done this way now. Most of them have a pretty interface complete with mouse support, but its not a guaranteed feature of.

Only thing I was never sure of with the Z77 as the USB 3 is a feature of Ivy Bridge does it still work with a sandy bridge cpu. Most posts say yes, several idiots think people are confusing PCI-E 3.0 when no really were fucking asking about the USB 3.0. On sandy bridge all USB 3 controllers were on the motherboard. But the concern with Ivy Bridge boards was wether or not the USB 3 was in the chipset or the CPU. Pretty sure someone answered this for sure a long time ago though.
It means UEFI BIOS. Nothing to read up on the bios is based on EFI, all systems are done this way now. Most of them have a pretty interface complete with mouse support, but its not a guaranteed feature of.

Of the last two I posted it was the cheaper so I didn't know if I needed to go there or not? Your thoughts?
Of the last two I posted it was the cheaper so I didn't know if I needed to go there or not? Your thoughts?

My opinion is this, motherboard dud rate is upwards of 1 in 3. Any one chip on there is bad, a bad cap somewhere anything can ruin your day. So most people's good luck with a brand is very random luck.

Gigabyte and ASrock tended to use some cheaper components in the Sandy Bridge era while ASUS didn't. MSI doesn't have many motherboard fans in TBG. I personally like ASUS but bullshit aside go with something that has the features you need at the price you can afford. Try not to cheap out too much though.
Motherboard dud rate of 1 in 3? How about idiot rate of 2 out of 3. I can guarantee you it's not the MB failing at that rate. I've bought several open box that were returned for being "doa" that worked great the entire time I had them. Funny how that happens.

Anyway, get the MB with the parts you need/want and don't cheap out on parts-it just bites you in the ass later. Just like the old saying goes, you get what you pay for.
Motherboard dud rate of 1 in 3? How about idiot rate of 2 out of 3. I can guarantee you it's not the MB failing at that rate. I've bought several open box that were returned for being "doa" that worked great the entire time I had them. Funny how that happens.

Anyway, get the MB with the parts you need/want and don't cheap out on parts-it just bites you in the ass later. Just like the old saying goes, you get what you pay for.

I often have to wonder how many reviews are idiots :p. Thats why I look for key things in reviews. Actually reading the reviews would scare anyone off of anything these days. The reviews on motherboards is about as bad as routers. But I have seen plenty of routers go after a month too.

The reverse problem with some of those returns though is I can have an easily confirmable bad GPU, return it theyre little test bench shows nothing and they sell it as a refurb... I can never take a chance on a refurb because I know it happens. Seen so many refurb phones that within the first 5 minutes the thing is fucked and you wonder how they can't see it.

10% is an acceptable failure rate in electronics. But Motherboard's these days have more components then a complete working cell phone, router, hell some game consoles. It doesn't take much to set one off with a seemingly random difficult to diagnose issue.
Ok... that being solved next on the list :

Load Battlefield 4 (CD) and go through the agonizing update again and see if this backup computer will run it... I think so...
I've always had good experiences and support with EVGA mobo's, I'd rate them with ASUS too personally.
+1 on EVGA. I am building my 4th gaming EVGA system(mobo + v card). I have had good luck other than some sandy bridge BIOS update issues. I updated my BIOS this spring and popped a capacitor somewhere on the board. The result of that was unstable video card when gaming. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting the issue. I finally spoke with the 2nd tier tech which are based in CA. He was great and confirmed and swapped out mobo. There is something to be said about support in this country. I am not sure how others companies are but like most I stick with what works and what you like.

When these things go bad they can be a bitch to try to figure out. I am not sure what the failure rates are on various boards but I have some that have been running for years without issue.