I'll be on and off until May


Registered User
Jan 19, 2016
Well, like irish, my wife and I are packing. The house goes on the market April 12 with open house on the 15th and 16th. We'll review the offers on the 19th if there are any. Market is hot here, so we should have a few offers. Then it's off to Dallas! Good bye California (28 years). I'm originally from Texas, so it's like going home and out to pasture (retired now).

So, I'll be in game off and on, but checking the forums when I can. Once we sign a contract, we'll be flying out to the Dallas area and buy a new home, schedule a cable connection so that when I roll up with the moving truck I can connect...this is a PRIORITY! Heh, with permission from the Department of the Wife.

Being an Old Fart, I tend to move a little slower now. So we are taking our time packing and getting rid of a lot of accumulated things that we haven't used in years.
Good luck! Stay relaxed when possible, it's stressful moving and buying a house!

I'll be on and off myself for the next month or so too but for different reasons, work.
Goodluck with your move hope everything goes well for you and your wife
Slow is good
Well, Sold the house within 7 days of putting it on the market! Got $49K more than the listing price too! The wife and I are so tired, but glad it's over. We've been packing and cleaning. Now it's time to look for a new home...joy. We were going to move to Dallas, but it seems the wife does not want to move too far from her sister and family. So, here we again, same O'l )(*& again... To think she has put up with me over 39 years...I must be doing something right, I think.
Good deal on your house $$ Slow and easy on the move. We be here when you get settled in.