"Inequality for All" - documentary

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Registered User
Aug 18, 2015
I recommend this documentary, "Inequality for All" you can watch it for free using the password 'bernie2016' @Soulzz will probably delete this message when he sees it. :) However- it is highly educational and eye-opening to watch, whichever side of the political spectrum you happen to be on. The password is bernie2016. Economist Robert Reich endorses Bernie and has made this film temporarily free to watch. It was filmed in 2013 and makes no mention of the current election for that reason but I feel the information is critical for everyone to know.
I don't know why it's playing in a small window. The URL to paste directly int your browser is: https: //vimeo.com/141725998

(delete the spaces after https)
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Soulzz likes that candidate whose face everyone are bitching about, right?
Liberal dribble :rolleyes:
It was a good documentary but help me understand. The way my mind is geared is if we tax more on the rich it will trickle down to hurt us in the middle class even more due to the fact products will cost more. The rich will always be rich. That is one thing the doc did not touch on.
I completely agree with your statement about the rich always being rich. The problem is not that we have wealthy people, it's that the wealthy are overly wealthy to the point it's hard to fathom. It is astronomical. We have a system of tax loop holes for the rich that grant them the ability to be taxed far less than the middle class on a percentage basis. You should be angry about this. Like Warren Buffet himself is saying - why should he pay less in taxes than his office staff workers? Or why should I pay 30% tax on my labor, my hard- earned income...while a billionaire pays half or 1/3 that amount on his investment non-labor income? It's not like you have to lay bricks or be a servant of any kind to make investment income. Wealth inequality is wrecking the middle class because the wealthy aren't pumping their massive incomes back into the economy like we the middle class do. Think about it, you may live paycheck-to-paycheck like many middle-class families do. Your wealth goes right back into the economy and keeps it churning along. The uber-wealthy are unable to spend what they make in the local economy. Much of their wealth gets "invested" or put in off-shore tax havens. The Walton family owns Walmart. Why are they the largest recipient of government welfare? (Say what?!) Because they wouldn't be so filthy stinking rich if they paid their employees a living wage. A huge # of Walmart employees are on welfare and need government assistance. Yet...the owners of the company that employs them are wealthier than the bottom 40% of the entire U.S. population (!) The Waltons and every multi-billionaire in this country can pay their FAIR share of taxes and still be very rich. Wealth disparity is wrecking the U.S. economy because our economy runs on the middle class. It's not acceptable to me, to see homeless military veterans, bankrupted by health care expenses begging on the street corners while we grant huge tax loopholes to the wealthy and their corporations that often pay zero tax on millions/billions earned. There is PLENTY of wealth in this country to go around and no logical reason we can't grant our citizens health care, at the very least. The corporatists and their elected Republican lackeys want us all to believe socialism is "evil" or that it's "communism" or that everyone wants to get "free" stuff. Socialism is all around us from the roads you drive on, the schools your kids are educated at, the Medicare insurance your parents are on, the police and fire departments that protect us and on, and on. If you earn less than $250,000 a year, your taxes are not going up under Bernie's socialism plan. Economists have verified this. We don't have to tax the middle class -more- to achieve what the citizens of Canada and Europe enjoy. The money is there. We just need to tax the wealthy at least as much as we tax the middle class. I know this is a move/film forum but I also highly recommend this book if this topic interests you. http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Money-Hi...TF8&qid=1458405961&sr=8-1&keywords=Dark+Money P.S. While am at it...I'm NOT for Hillary. I don't believe a politician represents me or we-the-people when they accept $15 million dollars in bribes masquerading as speaking fees from corporations. She will not represent our best interests. She will not apply fair taxation and she will not put a single corrupt banker in jail. It hasn't happened yet. All we'll get with Hillary is Obama 2.0.
I completely agree with your statement about the rich always being rich. The problem is not that we have wealthy people, it's that the wealthy are overly wealthy to the point it's hard to fathom. It is astronomical. We have a system of tax loop holes for the rich that grant them the ability to be taxed far less than the middle class on a percentage basis. You should be angry about this. Like Warren Buffet himself is saying - why should he pay less in taxes than his office staff workers? Or why should I pay 30% tax on my labor, my hard- earned income...while a billionaire pays half or 1/3 that amount on his investment non-labor income? It's not like you have to lay bricks or be a servant of any kind to make investment income. Wealth inequality is wrecking the middle class because the wealthy aren't pumping their massive incomes back into the economy like we the middle class do. Think about it, you may live paycheck-to-paycheck like many middle-class families do. Your wealth goes right back into the economy and keeps it churning along. The uber-wealthy are unable to spend what they make in the local economy. Much of their wealth gets "invested" or put in off-shore tax havens. The Walton family owns Walmart. Why are they the largest recipient of government welfare? (Say what?!) Because they wouldn't be so filthy stinking rich if they paid their employees a living wage. A huge # of Walmart employees are on welfare and need government assistance. Yet...the owners of the company that employs them are wealthier than the bottom 40% of the entire U.S. population (!) The Waltons and every multi-billionaire in this country can pay their FAIR share of taxes and still be very rich. Wealth disparity is wrecking the U.S. economy because our economy runs on the middle class. It's not acceptable to me, to see homeless military veterans, bankrupted by health care expenses begging on the street corners while we grant huge tax loopholes to the wealthy and their corporations that often pay zero tax on millions/billions earned. There is PLENTY of wealth in this country to go around and no logical reason we can't grant our citizens health care, at the very least. The corporatists and their elected Republican lackeys want us all to believe socialism is "evil" or that it's "communism" or that everyone wants to get "free" stuff. Socialism is all around us from the roads you drive on, the schools your kids are educated at, the Medicare insurance your parents are on, the police and fire departments that protect us and on, and on. If you earn less than $250,000 a year, your taxes are not going up under Bernie's socialism plan. Economists have verified this. We don't have to tax the middle class -more- to achieve what the citizens of Canada and Europe enjoy. The money is there. We just need to tax the wealthy at least as much as we tax the middle class. I know this is a move/film forum but I also highly recommend this book if this topic interests you. http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Money-Hi...TF8&qid=1458405961&sr=8-1&keywords=Dark+Money P.S. While am at it...I'm NOT for Hillary. I don't believe a politician represents me or we-the-people when they accept $15 million dollars in bribes masquerading as speaking fees from corporations. She will not represent our best interests. She will not apply fair taxation and she will not put a single corrupt banker in jail. It hasn't happened yet. All we'll get with Hillary is Obama 2.0.

Its always been like this, and will be forever. Since the first caveman, who gained power over the rest in he's tribe, its the same pattern. From time to time comes someone, who thinks, if he tells that to the ppl, will open eyes, but no, not really. I do understand, that your social sensitivity tells a different story, and thats very respectful. But it wont change anything at all. The only thing ppl focus on, is being selfish. Which is rude, but a must have skill for surviving. As the population keep rising, the more selfish and ignorant we became. Take it like the next evolutionary step.
Our intelligence, the skills to use common language and tools makes us the supreme carnivore on this planet, but the rudeness to the weak still chain us to the kingdom of animalia. Its not being careless or bad, at least in most cases. Its about our instinct we carry millions of years. Intelligence cant change primary codes in our genes, so the weak will fall and die, the strong will survive and rule the rest.
I simply do not understand economics as well as I should to bring a valid argument to the table. Just seems that overall you will always have greedy people and any way you try to fix the issue greed will avail. We are a country of loss morals sugar coated with lies we tell ourselves.
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I know why dont I start a multi million dollar company and be part of the 1%. Such a novel idea.

Oh wait I'm to lazy to do that. So I think I want to be a victim and lash out at the 1%.
I know why dont I start a multi million dollar company and be part of the 1%. Such a novel idea.

Oh wait I'm to lazy to do that. So I think I want to be a victim and lash out at the 1%.
The lazy are victims of the middle and above don't you know that geeze
I see more and more people who dont understand the idea behind poising the well and how closing off a dialog between political ideas is a method of control. Unless you are part of the 1% you have just as much to loose as anyone. Yes there will always be greed but letting it run rampant and making sure our county does not fall to shit even more than it already has are two VERY different things. The majority of people who scam the system and are "lazy" are actually pretty small if you look up the numbers. I will not link anything as that would be biased, look it up. Often when we create rules to stop the scammers it only results in more money lost as they are always the exception and not the rule. Our current government and economy have been getting gutted for a few decades by private interests, we have fewer job opportunities, and the pay is a joke, and the benefits??? lol what a joke. We have let our great county slip to being on par with places not known for their nice standard of living. This is the result of unregulated capitalism and it is NOT sustainable. Im not sure why people are so afraid of having a nice country where we ALL have some basic standards of living. Are you afraid that it will be too nice? So, for those of you who would have no healthcare, no social services, no education, no abortion, etc. might I recommend a few countries you might want to try living in that uphold these types of policies to see if you truly would like to decline back to some dark ages type living and or policy? in no particular order here are some countries rife with corruption, shit politics, little to no human rights, little to no education, fuck women rights, and in general SHITTY places to be. North Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Sudan,Zimbabwe, India, china, Burma, Saudi Arabia, democratic republic of the Congo, Iran, Yemen, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, or Egypt. This is what America will become if you don't get your heads out of your asses and truly understand what would happen if we keep going down the path we are currently on. We will end up being one more shit stain on the list of piss poor countries, so instead how about we make this place a nice place to live and quit assuming everyone is lazy and ONLY YOU AND YOU ALONE HAVE EARNED anything because that's rhetoric used to divide and control people.
In closing, to everyone read some fucking history books.
There is a new operation for liberals, a doctor installs a glass pane were your belly button was. This is so you can see where you are going as you walk around with your head up your ass.:)
Not to get to far in deep water on either side.

Before this goes into a slug fest for either side, I'm going to close this, because I can tell personal attacks are incoming.
Not to get to far in deep water on either side.

Before this goes into a slug fest for either side, I'm going to close this, because I can tell personal attacks are incoming.

I'll just add that if you want to talk politics-do it somewhere else. This is a gaming community and while post on a wide variety of topics, nothing gets people more upset than politics and religion.
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