Infantry Only Server

Check back next Tuesday, we've got some meetings coming up and server changes are always on the docket.
I like this concept better but we have other complaining those maps are not bring played. We are just caught in the middle trying to please everyone.

But honestly I like your suggestion better
I understand your pain. But for the weekends we are trying to add in some more maps to rotation(weekends only) to mix it up for a lot of the other regulars who would like to see more than same 5 maps all the time. We will be changing back to our normal rotation Sunday eveening/monday morning
Loving the new rotation of the maps. Keeps it feeling a bit fresh - some of the older maps that have been around (the stock 6) were getting stale.
Having fun getting the server started this morning with a little 3v3 On Your honor Knife only.

If the server does well with dlc we will keep it that way or if it doesn't then we can change it back. I'm sure premium price will drop you may want to consider buying it
If the server does well with dlc we will keep it that way or if it doesn't then we can change it back. I'm sure premium price will drop you may want to consider buying it
man...the freaking map vote is STALE! It ends up being same 3 maps....when map vote comes up, it only seems to change 1 or 2 maps on the list...then the same maps come up on vote previous round.

I think I will work on collecting some input from players on that server, and try to get enough to come to the site and vote on some maps or something. With DLC included. I love that server...but when every other round is the same map (god forbid metro) I leave.
That's why I hate votemap its always the same maps

I'm taking votemap and the dlc off this weekend.
I'm taking votemap and the dlc off this weekend.
Keep the DLC man. at least for the weekend. unless server has taken a hit. I actually enjoy it(as im sure do others)...I just dont wanna play pearl market or metro every other round
I removed votemap

I also removed dlc because the server failed after having this setup for a few days.

If you guys think it is a good idea adding domination mode for vanilla maps that are not good for infantry only conquest let me know.
Please let me know if domination is worth to try for maps not good for infantry conquest. Thanks
Please let me know if domination is worth to try for maps not good for infantry conquest. Thanks
adding Dom maps to INF only rotation? oh snap! I will ask around..guna hop in INF right now and see if any regs have some input on it
yeah only 3 maps that dont work with infantry conquest.

It would be parcel, railway and resort dom maps.
Do you guys have a thread for the 24/7 locker server? If so can someone please post the link? thanks (The Camping is unreal)