Insane Tractor-Trailer Combo Skid

Oh my goodness, I would have soiled myself. I think it was Bill Cosby who said that his mother always told him to keep a spare pair of underwear in his car, because "first you say it, then you do it." Well, I think it could be taken in a different context these days *wink*
How in god's name he wasn't screaming like a little girl, I will just never know.
Well, he wrecked his truck to keep from hitting the guy in the car... had he hit the car... that footage would be the last few seconds of the 4 wheelers life. I got to see a lot of nasty wrecks like this... people driving too fast for the weather conditions. Can't hot rod when the pavements wet and not have something go wrong at some point.

I was about 1/8th of a mile away when this guy jumped the median. Caused an accident on my side of the road as well. I was stuck there for 3 hours.
Honestly, I think the outcome might have been vastly different had the trailers had any content in them. He's very lucky it wasn't loaded down. That much kinetic energy would have drastically changed the momentum of the trailers.
Fucking semi's are going way to fast for the load they carry; I would like to see a right lane only for trucks no passing 60 mph on optimal days. Tired of one truck doing 55 and the other doing 56mph. I would go for every highway being at least 3 lanes.
well... Most of the big low pay company's have their trucks governed ~ 56 or 62 mph... so you always get the assholes that ride the governor and they take 5 minutes to pass the other semi going 55. My truck was governed at 75. Never had a reason to go that fast though... 64 was the sweet spot for my mpg... And since i paid my own diesel ... that was important.
well... Most of the big low pay company's have their trucks governed ~ 56 or 62 mph... so you always get the assholes that ride the governor and they take 5 minutes to pass the other semi going 55. My truck was governed at 75. Never had a reason to go that fast though... 64 was the sweet spot for my mpg... And since i paid my own diesel ... that was important.

The more I think about it I think the speeds of vehicles should be somewhat the same; early in high school I learned about reaction time; the bigger the difference in speed less reaction time you have. I was in Argentina sometime ago and they had 6-7 lanes that all had different speeds, thought that was good idea. One of the biggest problems we have to day is our infrastructure is way behind the times. Highways designed back in the 70's when families averaged one car; the last decade it's been over 2.
Good thing the driver kept filming...instead of you know, calling the police or something.
If you read the description he does do that at soon as he stopped recording

Flown by iRaven using Tapatalk.
yeah that video accident was 15 min from my house it rained all night and all the streets frooze up by the morning it actually was a 45 car accident pile up.
Living north of the wall (Minnesota) and driving for a living I see a lot of stupidity. I'd hate to be the one that had to clean up the mess...

Flown by iRaven using Tapatalk.