intresting thing happend


Registered User
Apr 25, 2014
so last night as I went to bed I shut the pc down gave her good night hugs n kisses you know the usual everything was working no issues. woke up this am turned it on not recognizing HDMI input didn't have time to do anything till I got home. got home tried different cable not working I got annouyed so luckily I had a brand new monitor of the exact same still in box in my closet, cause that's how I dooms day prep. that one worked and im glad it did cause had it been the vid card ida been really upset seein as a just sold what would have been the back up. anyway is it possible for the port to just go out all of a sudden? I will check other ports and diff hook ups on it this weekend to see for sure. just thought it was odd and don't have the time nor want when I get home from work to play the guessing game.
its ok its an asus and has 3 year manufacture warranty and its only 2 years old gonna call tomorrow
My ps3 did this. It was a dusty cord. Have to clean the connection with ozone-eater-in-a-can