Irish's UCAV's and Shenanigans


Retired Founder
Retired Founder
Mar 28, 2015
Here it is! The video I have been taunting for a few months now.
Simple video edits I put together from clips over the past 2 years (2017 and earlier.) Some good, some bad. Let me know what you think! Enjoy!

1. Blacken The Cursed Sun - Lamb of God
2. Holy Wars-The Punishment Due - Megadeth

You had some awesome kills, nice skills. Good video, makes me want to join you guys sometime and tear it up, but the team would probably be pissed if 5 or 6 of us were ucaving instead of capping. I get enough grief being the only one on Lockers doing it. :-) I don't think the other 31 teammates appreciate someone looking after the outside flank while they all huddle in the same choke point indoors for 30 minutes while we're flanked round after round. May have to join you all for some fun soon. :-)
next time use some Black Sabbath LOL very appropriate death songs and shenanigans for VICTIMS of the ucav