Well I'll have good Internet once we get settled. Where my girlfriend was living, they have 10 down 1 up. Even then, I'll never game on the extent I used to. I just look forward to piping and hanging out for a little bit.
LOL @ColdIceShot. Good job representing. Until EA/DICE get their shit together regarding servers i'll keep searching for TBG's BF1 server. The game is definitely worth it,especially if you get it on sale. I got mine for free and I play a little bit a everyday before i get on BF4 servers. It is slower than bf4 as in vehicle movement but It grows on you and the maps are great especially when everyone is PTFO. Tons of action and explosions not to mention the dynamic environments. The environments are way more dynamic than in BF4 and thats a plus for me. I like bringing down walls and shit. Its also great the game has no lock ons but vehicles are beasts in the game and once your adept at using them you kan muder likes it free. There is a reason why its been selling and its because its good but still needs work no doubt. One day it will be as good as BF4 in its own way. I need to create a emblem in BF1 but do I need to sign up for that companion shit? I hate signing up for their shit its only so they kan market more shit to me personally. Bring BACK DRAGON VALLEY.
Nice work Sixer and TBG . I find Graphic-J's screenshot misleading. lol.
Whats the deal? Yall Need to get the TBG BF1 server up and running. I wanna murder all yall.
I get a whole 27fps when playing bf1 woohoo!!!!