Is this SERIOUSLY what I think it is??


Sep 23, 2011
BattleField 3 Dev Team Vs ArtificialAiming [ Like AA Boss] - YouTube

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Sorry I couldn't embed it, the link wasn't showing up. But it's just a hacker running around targeting DICE players only?? Am I right? If so.... WTF!!!!
You didn't pwn anybody, you retard. You might as well invent your own currency and give yourself 1 billion of it. Nobody cares, respects you. And your music is shit, too.
It really warms a special part of my heart to see EA/LICE targeted so brutally, even by a degenerate hacker.
really, it makes my blood boil. Hacking is not cool and neither is dubstep. So dice fucks up a few times in coding and puts in a stupid hurdling mechanic that never works. They still manage to make a fucking awesome game. Shame on this hacker for thinking he's cool. H/O while i go downvote his video.
Init that's what I thought. Why would you first support EA/DICE by spending ?30 on the game and then wasting that money just to try and be cool by hacking on a DICE full server. What a queer. It's dicks like that guy that no pc game needs
Whats with all the hate on dubstep?!?!? Aside from that yea this guy is lame. I have video somewhere of me roadkilling an aimbotter with a MAV. Funny shit.