Is you girl a gamer too?

When I was dating before I got married, early in the process I always introduced my girl to my gaming because it was a part of my life. If they accepted that and showed interest I would buy them a computer. My wife was the same way, and we play some games together. We played WoW for years, some MTGO, Diablo, fairly simple stuff. She doesn't play FPS games. She has a gaming computer that faster than mine but it doesn't get as much use. You need to find someone that shares at least some of your interests, or it can cause friction later.
1 year into relation now, I don't play games with my girlfriend but she don't mind if I spend one complete evening playing. We agreed to buy a family console once we get a bit more money and she's pretty excited about it. However, we don't live together. Only friction is when I spend a lot of time at her place without my gaming stuff, just me getting bored I guess.

I'm a bit jealous @Statistic68 i've never had that :P Best I had on that topic was a GF playing sims xD
Well, she's been my girlfriend eversince we were sophomores. She used to like that fact but now, it's like fighting every day. She's all up on my $h*t lately. Been sending me things to read like articles and stuff from "bonafide" websites she says. it's about couples therapist thing. she says im a gaming addict. seriously????
I guess as long as she doesn't complain about your hentai addiction...
The closest my wife is categorized a "gamer" is when we play Super Mario Bros some years ago. The 80's edition.

Yeah, I got to get her a 'Neen-Ten-Doh'
@muggingstick Does she have any hobbies? Mine doesnt have any and I would see my own GF do the same thing to me when we would move in together honestly xD Try telling her the difference between being passionnate over something and being addicted to it. I believe it's possible to balance between gaming(even gaming a lot) and having a relationship, we wouldnt be the first one not having a gaming GF. Look at Graphic-J :P But if you spend time with her, try to balance your own life and that on the other hand she just gets bored easily and wants you to stop having hobbies for the sake of entertaining her, then the fault is on her side. My honest opinion.
I will warn you that no matter what, people grow and their interests change. I read a book that says about every 7 years. Often, your interests grow apart. My wife is getting more and more in to health, travelling, hiking, biking and stuff. I have to share in her hobbies too. You may be too young for the "marriage box" lecture, but marriage or not, the idea is that every relationship is an empty box, and that you have to put something in it before you can take something out. I've found this to be very true.

Hopefully you find someone with lots, or some, similar interests, and you grow together and not apart.
My Wife "games". More of a console peasant but when we got together I cobbled together a gaming rig. When that died I reached out here and ended up with an upgrade for myself. She has the guts of my old rig.

The whole his and hers setup:
My wife accepted my gaming before we even got together. I had to "compromise" with her when I wanted to upgrade from my old gaming laptop. She is fine with me gaming sitting next to her, and didn't want me to be at a desk on the other side of the room. So I ended up getting a omenx laptop with a i7 7820hk and 1080, and spent about a little over $2k on it bc it's a laptop lol.

My ex played video games, and I thought it was really important then, she's an ex for a reason. After her I realized it's ok to not have a girl that's into gaming, but one that accepts it's what I like to do and doesn't complain/try to change it.
I met her back in the BFROE ( Battlefield Rules of Engagement ) days. BFROE was a group that ran EA/Dice BF2 servers. Heavy on the anticheat side. We didn't agree much with the way it was ran honestly. So we focused on the AC side of things.

We gamed hard then, and we game hard now. FPS's, GW2, Fallout4 etc etc... We still dabble in AC with a few game makers.
@Rain Perfect..
Thanks lol. I already had the desk but a client of mine gave me two of the extensions that normally form a return. I put them side by side to form her work surface. Its 9 foot long about a third the length of our bedroom.

My monitor setup is kind of for show since I typically only use 3 at a time. It's setup so the lower 2 on the left can switch over to my laptop on the dock. But I dont dock the laptop at home much.