It's almost time to start with the WC

Yeah, I've had the 680 since they came out, but since moving to Houston it's hotter than fuck running my PC here. My wife's tired of me setting the AC low to cool off my office so it's time for water cooling. I get the rest of the water cooling parts tomorrow so hopefully I can have it up and running Friday night.
Damn when I saw wc I thought he was finally getting a white chick
No, I'm just waiting until your daughter is 5 so I'll have a little one on hand ;)
Okay, I got the rest of the parts and will be putting this together this afternoon. Renno, if you get a distress call don't be surprised lol.

The kit:




Cpu Water block:



GPU water block:



And this is how I game lately with my cat either sleeping on my mouse hand or attacking my forearm...sigh.
You didn't go with 1/2" tubing? WAT? Or is everything 1/2" and you hope to put that 3/8 on there? It's gonna be really tough to stretch it... good luck :-)

BTW I have water cooling, so if you have questions let me know. It's old, but water cooling doesn't really change much.

My waterblocks are EK on the CPU/GPU (I7 920, GTX 480), tubing is primochill as far as I can remember, radiators are swiftech, pump is Laing D5/Swiftech MCP655, and I have a XSPC reservoir which looks different from yours.

BTW I don't know what you got as far as liquid goes, but I read that premixed, and especially color liquid tends to gunk up the waterblocks over time. It seemed like straight distilled water (you can buy it from the store) with a few drops of this: Petra's Tech Shop and a silver coil for added lulz was a better and cheaper choice. Haven't had problems with it running over a year now, with just filling it up once in a while as it evaporates.

Anyway, welcome to water cooling :-) .
Well, so far it's a no go. The radiator's leaking from the fins so it's heading back for a replacement. I probably won't be on for about a week until that shit gets replaced.
No idea. All I know is it's leaking from the fins. I don't see any bent or damaged areas but it's got a decent leak.
Yeah that really blows. Dumb question, but you didn't accidentally drill into the rad through the screw holes did you (on mine if you use screws too long and you screw them too far they drill into the fins so you gotta be careful :X ) ?

You should just return them all and get swiftechs ;-P : Petra's Tech Shop

Just kidding, XSPC should also be good... but leaking from brand new packaging? That really sucks.

P.S. I also seemed to have gone slightly stupid above, I meant 7/16, not 3/8 tubing... But yeah, just FYI I have 1/2 tubing on 1/2 metal fittings and the fit was quite tight. I can't imagine trying to put 7/16 on this shit... especially if your fittings aren't metal I'd be really scared of bending them or breaking them or something. And I highly recommend heating the tubing up somehow (hot water or something?) to make it more flexible so you can get it on there...

My clamps are also the "squeeze" kind, and I absolutely loved them. I thought they might be loose, but no... you really need pliers to squeeze them, you can't do it with your hand - it hurts your fingers. Well, again nothing is leaking after over a year of usage so I guess they're good. :-D Screw ones should work too.
Man, I don't know. I used the screws that came with the kit and after threading them through the fans you've got about 1/4 inch of screw that goes into the radiator so it'd be hard to puncture the rad that way. I won't rule it out, but I was very gentle with the screws and stopped turning when I met the first bit of resistance. So far, I contacted XSPC as the RMAs have to go through them, not the seller. So, I'm waiting. I decided to put my shit back the way it was on air cooling in the meantime. I need this shit for work too :(
I don't have BF3, and I have no plans on getting it sorry :-( . Origin only, and the web server browser were alone enough for me to stop caring about the game. It's kind of sad because maybe it's a decent game underneath, but I just can't get over those things, especially the web server browser... that thing is just an atrocity which should never ever be done to any game again.

Also, Origin should die. I really hope EA goes bankrupt eventually, has to close down most of their operations, and goes back to making sports games like they did in the late 90's.

I did play some BC2 yesterday though, lol... for the good old times. It was actually quite fun. Sad to see that everyone plays instant respawn (vehicles and people) servers where it really unbalances the game in a way... Constant tank/chopper whoring and when you blow up a vehicle it's as if you did nothing because another one respawns within 1 second.

They should never ever allow ranked servers to mess with the respawn timings for people or vehicles in those games... but - gotta please the kids. So sad. It's awesome that most people who play are absolutely utterly horrible at the game though. I was going 50:4 or something in the choppers on 500 ticket servers and people were screaming hacks and stuff... so much fun.
Well, I need some help on one other item. I can't get 4 of the screws off the back plate of my video card. It takes T6 torque screwdrivers and all of them came off without any problems except for these 4. I applied some pressure and the T6 screwdriver spun each time without loosening the screw. I don't want to strip the fuckers but I also can't get them off. Any suggestions?
I didn't have problems unscrewing the cooler from my GTX 480 back in the day; in fact it came off pretty easily from what I can remember, so I can't say much about this. Are they symmetrical? Like the 4 corners around the core or something, or are they just 4 random screws that won't come off? Maybe they're just tight...