Jock from BASHandSlash Reviews Homefront


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Jock gives a honest review from hands on with the full game. Rather than the canned pre-release reviews we have all seen.
Homefront's release has apparently caused a lot of controversy in the FPS world. Here's a little shooter that came out of New York's KAOS Studios (SP) and London Ontario's Digital Extremes (MP) and according to community-wide reviews has apparently, failed to impress.

Everyone's a Metacritic

Metacritic reviewer scores are currently hovering in the low 70's and user scores are a tad lower.

So people gave it a low score...big deal?

The interesting point here is that many in the community are saying that despite the low score, the game is fun. Some have even suggested that there is blatant game-prejudice going on (see this link -- thanks Ston3r).

Well, I have finally had a chance to play this game and we have been streaming the MP (and bits of the SP) all day and I think I can at least weigh in on some of the controversy and give you my impression of the game.

I normally hate telling people whether they should buy something or not. My tastes are my own and I don't expect anyone to agree with them...they are usually, um...eclectic, to say the least. In this case though, enough of you are on the fence with this game, so I will try to give you my thoughts on whether you should purchase the game.
My Likes:
The maps are big and spacious and allow you to flank your enemy. They are well lit and very perty to look at.
Staying alive is as much a result of strategy as it is of skill.
Small targets mean that you have to aim precisely.
Weapons feel good.
People, buildings and landscapes all look properly scaled.
Excellent registration. Note: Unlike BFBC2, there is no bullet-drop in this game.
The battles are brisk and exciting.
Battlecommander mode is fun and different.
Browser is quick and actually works (Treyarch and DICE please take note).
Unlike some games (Black-Ops, *cough*), the good feeling you get from fragging someone stays with you longer as the maps are large enough that you generally don't get a hail of return fire from the dead guy's teammates who are distributed sparsely around the playing field.
No preferred server companies.
Mods will surely arise from the game.
KAOS's attitude towards their community and willingness to work with it.

Full summary of the game review can be found here
Good grief after reading that I almost feel like I turned my back on a family member by not purchasing it. I may just be predigest after playing BF2 for the last 6 years.
I normally hate telling people whether they should buy something or not.

Excellent registration. Note: Unlike BFBC2, there is no bullet-drop in this game.

1. Why start now?
2. This doesn't not make sense to me; why would you want a game that a pistol can hit someone 500yds away. I think BC2 is bad; slug that can go a mile with Zero drop. I think the sniper riffles have a realistic feel; you actually have to aim higher at greater distances. If no bullet drop is good you might as well make all the weapons do the same damage.
snipers are mostly useless in homefront as the one assault rifle out shoots them