Just Awesome


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
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The branch on the power lines was amazing. First time I saw it I was like woooh. Huge arc.

Oh, and that card throwing guy - looks like a Samsung viral marketing campaign. Cool nevertheless, but who knows if it's real or if he's actually that good or it took like hundreds of takes to get those shots.
all that shit is cool as fuck. dude is amazing with those cards and branch = awesome
Sweet man, thanks for posting, I love Fall out, cant wait for Las Vegas one to come out.

The card throwing and the branch on the power lines was amazing. That flare it produced was unreal.
I never got into Fallout. There's something about the engine, the GUI, and the game design that just turns me away. Tried to get started on it twice and never did. Same with oblivion (surprise surprise, same engine).
Heatsurge is just a hater. Always depressing. I hope I can take my old character to Vegas like I did with my guy in The Pitt. I have some really kick ass mods (including a 2142 mod in which I carry around a Krylov) and I'd love to carry them all over to the new one.
I'm not a hater - I just try not to hold back. If I think something is teh suck, I'll usually say something. Some like Fallout. I don't.
I don't know man, I'm not usually impressed by games but Fallout just "did" it for me. Maybe because I have an unhealthy obsession with anything post apocalyptic.