Just How Contagious is Ebola Anyway?


Registered User
Apr 23, 2014
It's things like this that make me hate mainstream media more than normal. Stop the Fear Mongering!


common; you know the government wants to scare the fuck out of us; so they can start a new Department of Ebola. Look at all the government jobs that will benefit us.
Anybody read Executive Orders? Talks about Ebola lethality vs. gunshot wounds, cancer, hiv... This is a nasty bastard of a disease.
It is nasty. No denying that. Unless you go to west Africa you really have no need to worry about getting it yourself.

Flown by iRaven using Tapatalk.
How do these people not realize they banged someone that was throwing up and sick...

You would really know it if you contracted it... just sayin
To be fair, two of those are transmitted through blood(std), and two there is a vaccination for.

Ebola is also probably one of the most miserable ways to die.

It's just like being afraid to fly, but not to drive. We know that cars are more dangerous statistically, but the thought of falling out of the sky terrifies us.
Doctors over here call it "bloody hell". very sick disease, but yeah, contracting it in the states... very slim chance. BUT you do have the flights open and the screening is very minimal for travellers coming in from west africa.