Kicked by Admin... No stated reason

This isnt a PB issue. Snake if that's how many people joined this morning, then it's certainly possible it was for reserve slots.
but there was only like 30 people in server at like 0430ish (CST) this morning
what timezone do the servers record the time on things like chat or plug ins? as his screenie shows 8:20am and I believe hes in CST so if its PST they do those times match up. @Racer57 is this happening when you first join server cause its most likely getting a quick join and ur ping hasn't registered yet happends to a lot of us. just rejoin im guessing its happening on first join since you said it does it within 30 seconds of being in server.
It isn't pst, the box is in chicago so it's CST.

Snippet from the code. It is now set to 23 and 8 am originally set to 24 and 9 forgot about CST timezone. Meaning during this time the ping kicker is disabled....or should be. I recently updated the latency manager plugin. Had to get my buddy to put this code back in the stock code. So lets see if the value for start and end time helps.

this.dicPingCalled.Add(strSoldierName, int.Parse(ping));
if (this.dicPingCalled.ContainsKey(strSoldierName))

public void PingCheck()
// BEGIN FAST PATCH ONE: Disable ping kicker based on time of day.
//Patch Config START.
const int START_HOUR=23; //Note that the hour is in 24 hour time (i.e. 21 = 9PM)
const int START_MINUTE=0;

const int END_HOUR=8; //Note that the hour is in 24 hour time (i.e. 21 = 9PM)
const int END_MINUTE=0;

//Note for the above settings: you don't need to pad the minute or hours
//with an additional zero. If you do, it'll still work -- either way is fine.
//i.e. 09 is equal to 9.

//Patch Config END

DateTime currentTime = new DateTime();
if (new TimeSpan(START_HOUR,START_MINUTE,0) <= currentTime.TimeOfDay && new TimeSpan(END_HOUR,END_MINUTE,0) >= currentTime.TimeOfDay)
//Don't run a lag check, it's been 0130 and 1200 hours.

if (this.enablePingKick == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
List<string> remove = new List<string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> latestPings in this.dicPingCalled)
bool playerKicked = false;
if ((this.lsPlayerInfo.Contains(latestPings.Key) == true) && (latestPings.Value > 0) && (latestPings.Value < 10000) && (!this.lsWhitelist.Contains(latestPings.Key)))
if (this.strPingMethod.CompareTo("A
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Same server as before........Bat 3 Second Assault 4:10 pm Central I get booted with same message.

BUT, when I played one of your other servers 5-10 min prior, I forget name but it was Giants map, I was able to play. I exited out of it after a couple of minutes then went to the Bat3 to check it.

Its because of missing ping.
You will get kicked anytime for missing ping. We only disable high ping kick overnight.
Here is what one person found made their ping show.

My issue is because of my ISPs settings and your end not excepting them. I can connect directly without a router and it still does it.