Kicking around ideas for an upgrade


Registered User
Aug 19, 2011
I want to be BF4 ready. Currently running:

GTX480 1.5GB
Core2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
MSI G41M-P28 mobo (mini-ITX form factor; G41 chipset)

My sort-of plan is to put the current chip, mobo and CPU into a new case with a big HDD and use it as a living room PC. Plugged into the TV, remote control and all that jazz. I've got an nvidia 9-series lying around for that. So I'm not desperate to replace my current vid card, besides which I don't think that's the bottleneck.

I'm on something of a limited budget, so 12-core Extreme Edition chips aren't an option. I'm open to a switch to AMD gear if it saves a few quid. Anybody who's upgraded recently have any insights?
I have a I7-2700k,570GTX,ssd, etc and was thinking of updating also. So as far as I have been reading , Tom's hardware, it probably is not a big update for me to go to the Haswell chip. Maybe a 20% gain but I am overclocked to 4.5 GHZ anyway. Will be updating to a new 7 series card though.

So for you the best bang for the buck is a I-5 with a mild overclock, update Mobo and memory with an SSD. That would be pretty solid and depending what you pick a pretty good price. That will be a big jump for you with a new CPU and SSD.

Overclocking Gamer's Pick
The Core i5-3570K's base clock rate is only 300 MHz faster than the Core i5-3350P's. However, the K-series' unlocked ratio multiplier is a must-have for overclockers looking to unleash significant performance improvements. It is for this reason alone that you'll want to consider shelling out an additional $40 beyond Intel's more entry-level Core i5. After all, the pricier chip's HD Graphics 4000 engine is inconsequential to us. If you don't plan to overclock, then there's little reason to spend any more than $180 on the Core i5-3350P

Best Gaming CPUs For The Money: August 2013 - Best Gaming CPUs For The Money, August Updates
I tend to follow a tick-tock upgrade cycle. On a tick, I'll ungrade CPU, mobo and RAM. On a tock, it's a new graphics card and any other gear I've had my eye on. I've got a little bit more coming in now than I've had for most of the time you guys have known me, so a new GPU purchase around the middle of next year is a strong possibility.
^ I think the first bundle is good. The same one at a local store is bout $400 here, good value.
Does scan do price matching? Might be able to shave a bit off ?
Rails unless your solidly against the idea of overclocking (not necessarily now but later) its worth it to get the 4670K. I haven't payed attention to the numbers people are getting but a couple years down the road when it starts getting a bit old cranking an extra Ghz out of it is worth the initial investment.
I have a GTX 480 that's almost out of breath sucking on dick these days as well. For video cards, IMO the 780 is where it's at these days, but I would wait to see what AMD will announce/paper launch I think it's on the 23rd of September...

They're releasing a new gpu codename "Hawaii" (lame I know)... word is, it'll be direct competition to the 780 and Titan which have no competition right now (speaking of single GPU cards). So yeah.

I was tempted to get a Galaxy 780 HOF... hopefully the announcement will make their prices go down, although I'm not holding my breath really.

On the other hand, your CPU is quite old indeed. I would personally go Intel, because I like getting best clock-per-clock performance, even though their mobo/CPUs are more expensive...
The other option is to get a video card now and hold out for Haswell-E and DDR4 ram next year and maybe Sata Plus on Z99 chipset. Everything you listed in first post is good enough for BF4 medium/high and the single biggest impact to that game from your set up would be the video card IMO. The thing is from Q2 onwards next year it seems to be where the tech changes up on the motherboard.. For eg. I brought an X58 chipset set up without researching that the next chipset would have better than sata 2 ports and better memory options. I won't make same mistake again and buy 2013 Haswell with 6 months time some big changes coming, feel like buying a TV without an HDMI port lol.
I dunno Avery we will have to see how the beta is but a Core2Quad in the Alpha would bottleneck any decent GPU. The alpha figures were a bit scary and unfortunately too early to tell.

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