Knife montage 2 :p


Registered User
May 9, 2013
Make me an intro like that Goldy lol. I'm not in there though.....nobody from TBG hath defeated my knifyness.
Come to think of it you should make me one too :D and i am not from tbg but i can arrange a knife in your throat ;) lol
Wow, Goldy...that video ROCKS! Brilliant intro, killer music, bad-ass skills, and the ending was a riot. Nice work man!

What did poor Cracky do to earn your wrath? Although he did prove that the the pen (or keyboard) is mightier than the sword. :-)

See you on the battlefield.

nice work; too bad knifing in this game is the dumbest shit in a game. It's like the hockey game that I used to play as a kid; if a fight started the computer did all the fighting and your watching like a dumbass.