Lady if your kid is getting shot at I don't think that will solve it.


Mar 6, 2011
I found this company that sells bullet proof backpacks - BulletBlocker | Bulletproof Vest, Body Armor, Tactical Gear, Bullet-Resistant Protective Clothing
WHAT IN THE FUCK? Their bullet proof jackets might make a little more sense but geeze?

If you think thats bad they have bullet proof white boards... what purpose does a bullet proof whiteboard serve? Does one often have bullets flying through adjacent classrooms? Does one often rip the white board off the wall and use it as a shield? Shit I need to get up to date on whats going on in the world because this isn't making any sense. I actually couldn't find a listing for the whiteboard and I am sure its more of a business item anyways.
Okay... so yeah... I missed the memo, bulletproof whiteboards are totally in style this year:
I still swear the ones they are advertising look HUGE.

Im just gonna let you know now protect your face so I can shoot you in the legs and knock you over... Yeah yeah I know body armor is designed to be a through the door protection as most initial shots will come body center mass and additional fire is still less likely to hit smaller targets.
These guys are smart, they are taking advantage of the 100% reliable knee jerk irrational response from leftists anytime something bad happens. How about bullet proof Trapper Keepers?
Fuck yeah yet are! If I could convince a school to buy 200,000 dollars worth of bullet proof shit I would charge them a 20% markup and buy up a warehouse of ammuninition at whole sale and mArk the up 20% and run