Leaving TBG and Gaming


Registered User
Dec 27, 2016
TBG family/ Squad Family,

It has been great playing with everyone for the past two years. I have had a lot of great memories and to be honest many of you were the reason I kept coming back. I have spent somewhere around 1.7k hours playing Squad and I'm happy to say most of it was with all of you. The big question most of you, or none of you, have is why am I leaving? For some time now I have been playing Squad because it was the only game close to the “good old days” of gaming ie old BF series. However, I have realized more and more that the gaming industry is moving away from what I loved. While we have fun moments playing Squad, I have found that it has become ever more repetitive. Now I have no other game to go to nor do I want to go to. I feel that this might be one of those cases where a person outgrows something. I have things that I want to complete and other things I would like to start and gaming is just not apart of that equation. In the back of my head, I question whether or not I’m addicted. Also, my physical condition is not where I want it to be, high blood pressure, weight gain, stress…ect.. Regardless of the reason, I think it would benefit me in many aspects if I move onto something else.

I can say in my 23 years of the game, (50,000+ hours) that you all were the best group of guys and one girl I had the privilege of playing with. I hope that all of you have the best lives moving forward and it's full of happiness and success.

Hey Straifer,

Sorry to hear this but I understand what you're saying. Perhaps you could give Squad some time to fully develop? I dont play Squad but I hear its still in alpha or early stages of the game. I agree PC gaming isnt what it used to be but I still have hopes new ones will bring the old feel back. There are a couple new ones i am interested in myself but not coming out anytime soon.

In any case, glad you had fun with us, hope to see you stop by from time to time.
TBG family/ Squad Family,

It has been great playing with everyone for the past two years. I have had a lot of great memories and to be honest many of you were the reason I kept coming back. I have spent somewhere around 1.7k hours playing Squad and I'm happy to say most of it was with all of you. The big question most of you, or none of you, have is why am I leaving? For some time now I have been playing Squad because it was the only game close to the “good old days” of gaming ie old BF series. However, I have realized more and more that the gaming industry is moving away from what I loved. While we have fun moments playing Squad, I have found that it has become ever more repetitive. Now I have no other game to go to nor do I want to go to. I feel that this might be one of those cases where a person outgrows something. I have things that I want to complete and other things I would like to start and gaming is just not apart of that equation. In the back of my head, I question whether or not I’m addicted. Also, my physical condition is not where I want it to be, high blood pressure, weight gain, stress…ect.. Regardless of the reason, I think it would benefit me in many aspects if I move onto something else.

I can say in my 23 years of the game, (50,000+ hours) that you all were the best group of guys and one girl I had the privilege of playing with. I hope that all of you have the best lives moving forward and it's full of happiness and success.


Well I'm sorry to hear all that. It's been fantastic gaming with you straiffer and you've taught me about being a fob master! I'll miss playing with you and I'll miss it when I need to sworn at! Lol. Good luck with the future of your life and the adventures it brings you, if you come to Calgary Area please look me up, I'll give you a bed to sleep in for a night or two! Keep in touch brother, you'll always be a part of my gaming family and as much a friend as one can be without ever meeting. Take care brother all the best!
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The gaming scene doesn't seem to be moving in the right direction, I feel you on that. We will all miss rushing the enemy objectives in your squad. Take care!
As I tell people who play Squad, you are playing a 80% finished game. Once it is complete, I think the strategy and passion will come back.It's only a matter of time.
TBG family/ Squad Family,

It has been great playing with everyone for the past two years. I have had a lot of great memories and to be honest many of you were the reason I kept coming back. I have spent somewhere around 1.7k hours playing Squad and I'm happy to say most of it was with all of you. The big question most of you, or none of you, have is why am I leaving? For some time now I have been playing Squad because it was the only game close to the “good old days” of gaming ie old BF series. However, I have realized more and more that the gaming industry is moving away from what I loved. While we have fun moments playing Squad, I have found that it has become ever more repetitive. Now I have no other game to go to nor do I want to go to. I feel that this might be one of those cases where a person outgrows something. I have things that I want to complete and other things I would like to start and gaming is just not apart of that equation. In the back of my head, I question whether or not I’m addicted. Also, my physical condition is not where I want it to be, high blood pressure, weight gain, stress…ect.. Regardless of the reason, I think it would benefit me in many aspects if I move onto something else.

I can say in my 23 years of the game, (50,000+ hours) that you all were the best group of guys and one girl I had the privilege of playing with. I hope that all of you have the best lives moving forward and it's full of happiness and success.



It has been fun playing with you man, I hope you find something else to occupy your time. In whatever you choose, have fun and stay safe. Hope to see ya around every now and then.
Been fun playing with you, whenever you get back on the internets id like to play with you again