[Squad] Link to the Rules


Registered User
Jul 25, 2019
Was playing on TBG server today when I ran into TBG Papasmurf7676 one manning a btr. now, i was under the impression thaat one manning armor was a no go here, as i have seen people told not to 1 man armor numerous times. Papasmurf said that that is NOT a rule. after looking around for the rules and asking him to link them, i cant find the rules. All im looking for is clarification on rules and what they are, and that all the admins get on the same page, because their is a lot of confusion right now as to what the rules are. And if 1 manning armor is not allowed on TBG then maybe some education for the admins so they know what their own server rules are. (screenshots available)
Rules are as follows:
1. No Hacking, Cheating, or Glitching.
2. No Racial Slurs.
3. No Abusive Behavior/Language.
4. Do not base rape the enemies uncap.
5. Seeding rules are no digging fobs/habs or mortars till 20v20, fight over mid cap if available.
6. No one manning main battle tanks.
7. No intentional TKs

If you have any other questions I'm sure the senior admins will help you sort them out.
You may have seen our other admins saying no one manning if a squad complains about it and has the crewmen to man it. If there's a dedicated armor squad or other guys who want to run a team on it, I'll give it up no problem. If the armor is sitting at main and no one wants it by match start, it's open to one man and might as well use the assets you're given.

So while it's not against the rules to one man those vehicles, if it's a detriment to the team or one squad is exclusively armor then admin has discretion to keep the integrity of the game and that's what our rules boil down to.