Look at this disrespectful thunder cunt


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
It's a place dedicated to those who died defending our country. So, why did this dumb bitch flip off the 'Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers' and post the picture on Facebook?


Well unfortunately they died so she would have the freedom to do that. Doesn't take away from the fact that she needs to dive face first into a meat grinder then have her remains set on fire. Rot in Hell, Happy Holidays!
Agreed, just because you have the right to be a cunt doesn't mean you aren't a cunt when you're being a cunt. She's a cunt.
Oh well, she and her friend have been fired. Much lolz to be had. This year, I'm thankful for the internet, so that stupid people can be found out much more readily.
arlington has rules, much like any establishment in america, if you choose to NOT uphold those rules out of courtesy, then a brookhaven beatdown comes COURTESY of anyone willing to uphold that particular establishment's rules.
The lady in the picture issued a formal apology. She stated that, though it was disrespectful by appearance. She only intended to appear that she was doing the opposite of what the sign stated.

Still doesn't make it right, and I would have given her a price of my mind.

Thumbed with my iPhone
The lady in the picture issued a formal apology. She stated that, though it was disrespectful by appearance. She only intended to appear that she was doing the opposite of what the sign stated.

Still doesn't make it right, and I would have given her a price of my mind.

Problem is, after she posted it initially her family and friends flipped out on her and told her to take it down. She essentially told them all to piss off, that it wasn't a big deal. So she had fair warning this would blow up on her and she still chose to keep it up, even after realizing it would be seen as offensive.
"Oh I'm sorry I choked the life out of you for being a disrespectful shithead, I thought I was giving you a forgiving hug".

Or something.