Look what I found...


Registered User
Apr 16, 2008
So my whacked out sleep schedule had me awake at 6 in the morning today, wondered onto one of my favorite knife hunting servers and stumbled into these...

Nice! To be honest, I never thought you would get KAIN. Congrats :D.
Timeless Casino by [N)@(M], that's where he always plays.
Whatever! Thats awesome....!
I've seen youtube footage of him hanging out inside walls and shit... It becomes more of "who can get the top scoring GLITCHER" lol

Nice; I have yet to play against that SOB; I wonder how good he really is?? I hope you talked some good shizz. By the way we should run into him he averages 10hrs/day...thats addiction.
He's online 10hrs a day, but he's not at his keyboard for the majority of that. He has a script that automatically signs him up as commander, runs him into a titan gun and then he just idles as commander racking up commander points. I've been in his server dozens of times while he was there, but this was only the second time I've actually seen him "playing."
He sucks; you should have fisted that bitch and sent him to our servers; that way all could have fisted him. We ass hackers...is there any skill left in this game???
Sweeeeeeeeet, congrats dude, thats awesome that is indeed an impressive accomplish ment :D

it would be hilarious if we had developed a little script than nullified his, and reprogrammed him to jump off his titan and on the ground and lay in the prone, than we can take pictures with his dead body after we shank him :kindof like this guy:
