Looking for Monitor


Registered User
Apr 27, 2008
Hey dudes, dot a question for ya so any suggestions would be very nice. I am looking for a biger than 24' monotor in range of $250-$350+, any suggestions? I also want it to have a resolution of 1920x1200 like I do now on my 24' Acer...I see a lot of that 1980x1080 crap and I dont want that, it looks like shit imo. And also if possible not the HDMI connector, that computer DVI or w/e its called if possible..Im having trouble finding anything...pls help a borhter out :-)
What is available to you in the way of stores? Is newegg OK? If so there are some Asus refurb's on there that fit your specs. A new one from Asus is pretty cheap too in the 27" range.
You're looking for larger than 24" with higher resolution than 1920x1080?
Oops. Sorry Sixer and Killa I forgot he wanted a higher res.
That's why I asked, just to clarify. Killa kind of rambled along there. lol
Yeah, anything higher than 1920x1080 seems to just go to 2560x??? and they're $800 and up.
yup, 1920x1200... will just do, I got 32" screen and all its missing that extra 120 pixels in resolution for immage to be sharp, it got 1920x1080 res. and my old 24' had 1920x1200, so yeah...1920x1080 wich most of the TV monitors have just looks like shit when you play games, feels like lame xbox or something.

Is the 1920x1080 you have a 1080p? All of the 1920x1200 monitors I see are older, LCD only. There are lots of options with LED backlit 1920x180p that fit what you're looking for unless you want to take a backwards step in lighting technology. The LED backlit looks an assload better and than the LCD ones, that's for sure.
Kool thanks Six, Ill look into that, but LCD these days comes with price...:-) I was just thinking of getting something intermediate while 3D/LED etc. technlogies still being pricey and so on.. :-)