Looks like a new wave of Even Balance Justice.

Wow, that list is getting long. Multi-Hack 80752 culling the herd.
Looking forward to the "OH NOES I HAVE NEVER H4XORD FALS3 POSITIV3" crowd, you know it's coming lol.
Most of them probably don't know or understand they wont be able to just go out buy another copy and start playing "hacking" again.

Pure stupidity, and in my opinion all hackers are NOOBS nothing more nothing less.
i dont understand why these people bother hacking....it gets you nowhere
I guess it's like Fast bare backing Soulzz. You know it's wrong and it doesn't result in anything positive (except maybe HIV) but it's still fun to do once in a while.
Frosty11 that POS. That fucker was in our Metro all the time. Guess it's about time they do something.