lost key


Registered User
Jul 21, 2009
I lost my instruction manual for 2142, of course thats were my cd key was. I built a new pc and realized i lost after the build. Question is does anyone know how to recover it from my old pc. Is there a folder somewere its located or is there something in the registry that holds this info? Thanks for any help.
Go to the registry and locate this for Vista/Windows 7: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Wow6432Node | Electronic Arts | EA GAMES | Battlefield 2142 | ergc | Everything after the value x9392 is your CD-Key.

For XP, just go to SOFTWARE instead of SOFTWARE | Wow6432Node.

Hope this helps ;).
I think it's also in your EA account online somewhere.... not sure where, but look there too if you can't find it in the registry.
Hmm, finally tore apart the old pc and accessed the hard drive. Got into the registry found my code, go and enter it and it says its invalid. Think it may have been ripped off? Its been about 2 years since i used it.
Nope tried it a few times. I havent used the game for 2+ years so who knows. I emailed ea support so i will wait and see. Really want to play it again. I used to play it on a shit ass computer that hardly got 25fps on it.
You could also try this:

try this
click login
login use the login/password you used for BF2142
click 'my games'
login again using the same L/P as above
confirm password
click 'my games' tab
Soldier is right. That is what I thought you did to get it. I know someone else was having this issue and that is the easiest way to get your key back.
tried that i dont have any games listed. But if i try to register my game now it tells me it has already been registered. It is a legit key had it since release day. Oh well lets see what ea says.
Got my key for EA, just patched up and will see ya in game soon. Have to get used to the controls again its been a long time .