Man suffers heart attack while dining at Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas Read more:

I remember this place. This is the place where the 600 pound owner died of a heart attack last year. Without a doubt the most genius grassroots marketing campaign on the planet. Seriously if I knew a single thing about stocks or the stock market or how one would go about buying a stock I would have bought 15 bajillion shares of the Heart Attack Grill and moved to an island in Tahiti. Like that fat ass owner did more for this dump than 100 PR firms could do. I mean have you seen America lately? No? I’ll give you a hint. It’s fuckin fat. Bunch of gluttons just running around looking for cheeseburgers. Restaraunts keep trotting out their new healthy options and their new healthy menus and all the public wants to do is look for the next place to stuff their fat face and get fat. They got the new Burger King delivery service.

Just saying it’s fact America loves fat and the more fat you make your place look the more fat people are going to waddle in and pound your burgers. You literally can’t buy this type of publicity unless of course you pay someone to have a massive coronary on the floor of your restaurant which is obviously what happened here.
I watched a show with my kids last summer that talked about that place. Fucking disgusting; I love my steaks and burgers, but this place was ridiculous.

Erik: when I was at Disney with my kids last year one of my boys asked why all the fat people there got wheelchairs and cut the lines. It was like Wall E had broken out in central Florida.
You know, I think it's hilarious that the Heart Attack Grill exists. Eat whatever the fuck you want and accept the god-damned consequences of your choices. If you have a heart attack or are morbidly obese because you eat at this establishment too frequently, so be it. I just hope you enjoyed your meals there. Given half a chance, I'd definitely go eat there--at least for a burger, milkshake, and fries.
I would go there too. But I wouldn't go there enough times to turn into a tubby butt.
Shit, I could care less who goes there. My point was it didn't look enticing. The name rocks but the food sure didn't look all that great.
I'm just wondering if this guy is gonna eat free there from now on. You know this place could be like a fat person zoo where children can come see the varying species of obesasapiens.
Shit, I could care less who goes there. My point was it didn't look enticing. The name rocks but the food sure didn't look all that great.

I dunno; I substitute butter for shortening and vegetable oil and refuse to buy anything labeled "reduced fat", "low fat", or most anything "light". At least to me, my first concern is protein per dollar. My second is overall calories per dollar. Unfortunately, such a choice invariably leaves me eating chicken or ground beef instead of pork chops (which are typically miniscule) or steak (which is more delicious than pork chops).