Mechwarrior IV Series


Registered User
Nov 8, 2009
This includes MW4 vengeance, black knight, and mercenaries.

Since several of us seem to have played this franchise with fond memories, I figured I'd make a thread here, since I didn't see one already about this.

Share your experiences!

I'll start things off:
One time in Mercs, I was merc'ing for Davion on Wernke, one of the later missions in the campaign, and the goal was to defend a factory from a Steiner assault. The assault consisted of 3 Assault lances, a heavy lance, and a light recon lance. The setup is you're on sort of a hill, and the enemies crest a set of hills opposite you, and it's a hell of a slugfest.

Well, all 3 enemy lances crested the hill at the same time, more or less, and... launched missiles.

At me. All of them. There were 4 or 5 Longbow/Catapults with them. :(

All I could hear was a constant, "beepbeepbeep beepbeepbeep beepbeepbeep beepbeepbeep beepbeepbeep" of LRM launches, and a solid wave of bright lights heading my way, followed shortly by, "warning: damage critical", then "Spectre One, respond! All units, initiate rescue and recovery!"

So yea, fun times. :D
Nobody? come on people, you guys were like "we all have fond memories of MW4" and now you're not posting.... makes me a sad panda...

I remember playing MechWarrior 3 with a Microsoft Sidewinder. That's about all I remember, lulz!
vengeance and black knight awesome!

However i like the vengeance Single player better. When the main character was a good guy, but then he turned bad.
I loved MW4, it could play that game for hours and hours and I still love every minute of it. I wish that there was more story though, like you could talk more to your lance mates and stuff, cause Idk about you but Jen was hot, and yall will admit it.

Plus, I would have liked a few more big battle missions, like linking up with other resistance, watching a few more cematics and military units fight and stuff. cause the whole concept was really awesome, and I fell deserved more credit than it was given. and I think there should have been and in-cockpit sequence that you could have made to eject so you didnt have to die all the time in SP

Plus I wooped ass in Multilayer online. J-eagles baby!
those were the good old days

I miss my tiger painted Mad Cat Mk1

lol, i like the cinematics, real characters.

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The intro movie for Vengeance was epic. It looked so damn good, I wish they'd done more with it. Hell, I'd love to see a live action movie that looked like that.
they should have added my favorite mech to mw4 the axeman used this guy in the board game, campains sometimes took a few weeks playing everysunday. racked up more kills hiding a lance of these guys in a mine field nothing like a heavy mech with jump jets a heavy autocannon lots of lasers and a huge fucking axe to ruin someones day.
So I've only heard people mention Vengeance and BK so far... did any of you play Mercs?
no i stopped after black knight. Took a break from the whole thing, never went back. :(
that's a shame... Mercs put the other 2 to shame, IMO. It went from following the story of a single person on a single planet, insignificant in the grand scheme of things, to a merc outfit helping to change the course of the war between Katrina Steiner and Hansz(?) Davion. It also added a lot of mechs previously unseen in the mechwarrior games.

The market system is a proper one, kind of like BK's Black Market, except instead of trading point values, you get paid for missions, selling off chassis, etc, and you can use that money to buy other mechs, weapons, or hire pilots (there are like 20-30 total).

You also command 2 lances. Makes for some very interesting large scale battles in some missions.
I played Mechwarrior 2, Ghost Bear and Mercenaries back in the 90's. It was, I think, DOS based. The only one I played later was one of the MechCommander games. I did love altering and customizing my mechs and made a bunch of interesting ones. Damn those heatsinks!