Medal of Honor Open PC Beta

i have the first one that came out and the single player mode was fun to play. it this one going to have a single player mode. playing online was ok back them as well.
Aw, is sixer having a bad day? I agree though: the beta was horrible. Looked really cool, but it was a terrible game.
Played a bit, I'm getting disconnects all the time, so I'll give them an hour or so to sort their shit out.

What came through from the gameplay was: INSANE choke points, small maps. Thought rush mode in BC2 was bad? Try ONE objective with ONE choke point... FFFFUUUUUUUUU. I owned though, don't know if people just don't care about it as much.

Minimap is shit. Does it really have to be that blurry? I mean, what are they simulating, fucking Taliban technology?

"Sector control" is basically a corridor shooter.

I got a killstreak airstrike. What the FUCK is this, COD?

Actually, it is COD. EA has officially made a COD clone...

I'm still undecided, I'll check it out more.
Everything was made for PC back in those days. The point is the franchise started before COD
I played about 10 minutes of the Open Beta before I was disconnected, then had to leave for work.

My impressions:

Server Browser is drastically improved.
The movement feels a lot more polished.
Recoil on the guns needs to be upped slightly.
Lots of debris, I have not tried turning off Bloom, as I got disconnected and had to leave for work. If you turn it off, it's suppose to make everything more visible.
I don't know what HeatSurge is complaining about in terms of the minimap. It is fine.
I didn't get enough time to test out the hit detection, however, it seemed improved from the limited time I spent playing.

As for the concept, Heat, what did you expect? The original MOH, as Fast said, came out well before COD started.

I hope DICE supports this game with map packs, not the kind from BC2, but new maps. Vietnam is also coming out in a few months.

Lastly, the only problem I experienced with the beta is the connection issues.
Actually... I LIKE IT! I played for 5 hours straight and leveled all my shit up except sniper.

I never thought I'd say this, but the "rush" (objective, whatever) mode is not bad! The "sector control" is kinda shit from what I saw - just too chaotic and unrewarding, kinda like squad deathmatch, TDM, etc... which is what it is, and they stuck 3 flags for the LULZ in there which is kinda retarded. Whatever.

The objective mode is good though. All the retarded shit that I absolutely hate from BC2 is gone - objectives can not be n00bed (c4, chopper ramming, etc.), and you don't get tards which stay behind on the maps and shoot people in the back (or use chopper to get to high places, etc.).

The only bad thing is the choke points, but somehow, they've made it stomach-able.

I got a few hellfire strike-streaks, and it's quite LULZy. Makes people rage and servers die. I saw 4-5 servers die personally in the last few hours because of the LULZ that was going on.

I think I'll be getting this eventually ;-) Not at full price, of course :-D
Are you getting paid to spout nonsense now?

A lot more polished would equal a bowl of ass not a box. Either way...wait for it...the game sucks ass.
You were obviously not here for the soulz , Frontlines fuel of war days. All i heard for months was how badass this game was gonna be from soulz. The beta comes out. Its crap, like absolute crap. soulz gives that whole "that wasnt the finished product wait for the polished copy"line. SO I buy the finished copy turns out it was beyond crap like when craps get hard and turns white ya know. just some food for though lol
i'll play MOH tonight and put in my 2cents. With BC2, I thought that game was shit I mean beyond shit. The console port part is too obvious and comical. Except squad DM. That can be fun. When I played the MOH beta it was bad. But I didn't quit the game after 5 mins so that might mean something
When I played the MOH beta it was bad. But I didn't quit the game after 5 mins so that might mean something

Yeah, it means you've come to like the smell of shit.
I was a big fan of allied assault and spearhead, had some of the most fun playing an FPS with that game. They should have just stopped at spearhead and never developed another game. This game reminds me so much of BC2 but without most the tactical BS and I cannot stand BC2. The choke points are bad, very might work for 2 teams on vent but public, forget it. Basically you grab a sniper and camp, and lose...or you try to rng and maybe kill a couple on the way to an objective but you don't make it to far usually.

There are a couple good things, the game looks great, the menu and ui is very nice, and the best thing to come out of BC2 and this game (i think you can do it in MOH) is the ability to reload while sprinting, they need to put that into other games.

I really don't think this game will do well, especially after Black Ops comes out. By then most people will be bored with it and move on to Black Ops or they will go back to BC2 and the new Vietnam expansion coming out for that.
Unless Black Ops ends up supporting more then 18 players ranked, I won't be getting it. I'd prefer at least 24-30.
I'd prefer at least 24-30.

I'd prefer a game made for PCs where you can have at least 50 per side, minimum. 24? I wipe my ass with your 24! Seriously, 18? You can suck my dirty asshole in that case.
You were obviously not here for the soulz , Frontlines fuel of war days. All i heard for months was how badass this game was gonna be from soulz. The beta comes out. Its crap, like absolute crap. soulz gives that whole "that wasnt the finished product wait for the polished copy"line. SO I buy the finished copy turns out it was beyond crap like when craps get hard and turns white ya know. just some food for though lol

Sadly, I drank the Frontline Fuels of War Kool-Aid too :(
I played the beta or demo for Frontlines, and I was like... lulz, no way this hairy ass is going to unfuck itself.

Like ET:QW, the ideas were nice on paper, but everything about the game was just shit. Shit weapons that felt wrong, shit handling on vehicles, shit map design. The only thing that they got right were the graphics. Pretty textures and shaders don't make a game though...

Why do people hate MOH so much? I mean, it's alright for what it is IMO. True, there's a lot of camping, and if you just run for the objective alone you get LULZpa\/\/N3d, but compared to BC2 the camping is negligible and the sniper rifles actually blow ass really hard imo. My favorite is actually spec ops :-)
what broke MOH the most for me was the killstreak bullshit, i went 30-2 one round by getting killstreak reward after killstreak raward. i like a challange, and MOH is not it. Other things that bothered me:

every weapon is the an94 but in automatic mode

terrain felt horribly outdated

nothing really blew up

rocket launchers were shit

the taliban (or whatever) had the ak74u that was more accurate than anything and doubled as a sniper rifel.

snipers are beyond nerfed, run and gun snipers are impossible (not good for me)

feels really small (very foreign feeling to someone well hung such as myself)

those were my closed beta impressions, not sure they could have fixed that, and i don't really want more dice/ea support (read garbage)
Just played an hours worth with Lex and Killingseed. I enjoyed it :).