Mexicano, HoGGBreath and aKz99.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2010
Game: Battlefield 2142

Server Name: TBG Northern Strike

Date/time: January 8th. 1-4 am

Player Name: Mexicano, HoGGBreath and aKz99.

Offense: Aimbot, pod surfing, locked base camping, high roofing on Liberation


Comments: I also have video of them high roofing on Liberation if you need me to upload it, but I figure they broke enough rules in that video. If you want I can also provide at least 4 witnesses that will also support this.
Ice, next time you record a video, switch to the team their on and press C to spectate. Keep pressing it until you get to the player in question. It makes the job of determining if they are a cheater much, much easier.
Will do, I wasn't aware you had it turned on. Most of the servers I play in don't have that.
i'll agree with mexicano and HoG being suspicious (to say the least) but i only saw one kill from akz and you were in a pretty common area, so i will withhold judgement on him
Yeah, the walker turret was what bothered me about him, just wanting you to keep an eye on them!
Hello TBG admins 1st off love all of your servers... The -:UGC:- Play your servers all the time. I will have to concur with this post, UNLOCK BASE Raping Aimbot, Shams if I could see there side Im sure they would be there.... While using my infrantry sonar I saw MEXICAN0 matching me move for move behind the PAC Command Bunker than shoot literery thru wall missing but very close... AS I was commanding in the Northern Strike Server (you can check the server logs for my remarks in game yesterday) to MEXICAN0... I noticed today the same players mentioned above where all squaded up (locked even) and watching their pings go from 30 to 300 than getting kill every time their ping spiked appox about 6-8 kills a minute with no deaths.... They are making a mockary of your servers... I myself am ranked @ 5697 Global and our other -:UGC:- members are ranked up to 285 Global so do the math we have great players that are some of the best.... Not cryin or whining keep in mind just stating observations...... (cause even though they make their cheating obvious they suck at it and still loose there rounds).... Oh P.S. they join TBG servers w/o TBG players/admins
Game: Battlefield 2142

Server Name: TBG Northern Strike

Date/time: January 8th. 1-4 am

Player Name: Mexicano, HoGGBreath and aKz99.

Offense: Aimbot, pod surfing, locked base camping, high roofing on Liberation


Comments: I also have video of them high roofing on Liberation if you need me to upload it, but I figure they broke enough rules in that video. If you want I can also provide at least 4 witnesses that will also support this.

Nice vid Ice .... and Right on for the MEXICAN0 Tag wish I got it just a shotgun to the head is all I got