Here is a run down of your responsibilities because I looked into WOCS before my commission contract:
as a warrant officer, you are a senior enlisted Officer, although you are not a RLO real live officer, you serve the duties and responsibilities that the Army feels that they need more specialized personnel to concentrate on their field of expertise.
If you decide to go WOCS and are directed for Flight school, your primary job will be to fly helicopters as well as a great deal of other small responsibilities depending on what Job you are placed in when you arrive at your unit. You will most likely be a WO2 pilot for a while, and you will rack up a great deal of flight hours flying with a CW whatever as part of flight or section. Just as always if you prove to be more competent and professional than your peers then company staff could place you in a position of more responsibility, I leave it open ended.
the Army takes care of you as a WO, you have a pretty cool job if all you want to do is Fly. there are some other duties involved in making the flying part happen. Basically you work with your PLT or flight leader, aka 2LT or 1LT whoever to make sure the needs of the days/weeks/months training is completed. you are for the better lack of things an officer who hangs in limbo between a commission, and senior NCOship.
then we can go to flight school together, and you can be my co-pilot.
I already hang in limbo now but without the pay. I'm in charge of all sorts of fuck ups and have to rip kids' asses all day for being fucktards. As far as being a flight WO I don't know yet. I am leaning towards it because well why sell myself short and suprisingly I'm a big CH47 fan. I know I know. Big slow helo, but if something goes wrong I've got 36 people behind me to put down some suppressive fire.