MOH multiplayer footage. 50 percent off if you have premium


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I will just put this here - Rain
I got an email which link this
to get a redeem code which gave me 50% off Warfighter.
This was supposed to be an exclusive Offer for Battlefield 3 Premium Members....
Since you have to go through a Origin login, I suppose they checked it.
Looks like COD:Frostbite.

The music was earsex though.

Also the embedding is kinda horrible ^.^ .
Looks like COD:Frostbite.

The music was earsex though.

Also the embedding is kinda horrible ^.^ .

Iframe it didn't come with anything else. Close quarters plays like COD actually except better graphics. If you like close quarters then you should like the new MOH.
that second video reminds me alot of raven shield
new one just surfaced.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
if you have bf3 premium you can get the game 50% off i believe. Better pricing.
Bro he fucking murked Micheal Phelps off the break with a head shot, and then got owned by Ussein Bolt with a pistol lololololol...
Fast are you sure you read it as "have" and not if you buy?

On origin there is a link if you buy premium or BF3 premium edition you get half off. But unless those emails are going to come :p looks like no way to get the discount at the moment otherwise.
I got an email which link this
to get a redeem code which gave me 50% off Warfighter.
This was supposed to be an exclusive Offer for Battlefield 3 Premium Members....
Since you have to go through a Origin login, I suppose they checked it.
Thats the ticket, all hail badaang and his french canadian accent!

I kinda almost had my button pushed to buy it i mean half off why not. But yeah the previews do make it look like Call of Duty and I know an idiot that buys every MoH game and hates it lol. Fast if you asked me Close Quarters plays like BF3 TDM. Now MoH might play like BF3 but the studio that did this game made sure it looked like Call of Duty.

I am all about the feel of a game. I liked FEAR because it played and felt like Far Cry. Since I am a couple days a way from dumping money into my truck Ill have to think it over I guess.

But for those who want it and have premium, they can now bitch a tiny bit less about having bought premium.

...Fuck it i bought it lol. Whats a ball joint for anyways :p
50 percent off, actually isn't too bad of a deal. I actually bought my copy before the deal came out but i received an email stating they were going to give me some credit back.
so if i all ready have premium its 50% off because i talked with origin and they said it was for new customers only..