Motherboard DOA


Registered User
May 19, 2013
Well I got my new computer stuff yesterday and the Mobo was DoA. It's an AsRock 990fx Exreame 3 am3+ mobo. It's giving me 3 long beeps when boot up will not post or power up usb peripherals. memory was check on a different machine and passed the test with flying colors. Got newegg to rma it. Hopefully the next one wont be dead. Oh btw I wont be on untill i get a working motherboard.
Oh, looking at the Asrock support site, they list 3 long beeps as "without memory". So either it wasn't seated properly or was not compatible with that motherboard. I think you jumped the gun with the RMA.

Edit: they also list this 3 short beeps if it helps: Main memory read / write test error.
i changed out the psu to a known working one and went out and bought a stick that was on the compatibility list same symptoms happen.
As far as im concerned the odds of getting a bad motherboard are 66%. Wether it be entirely DOA or just has something wrong with it. Too many components to cause problems. Fact of life and it sucks.
That sucks. Well, it was worth a try with the psu and memory. Hopefully the next one's a good one.
Yeah hopefully the next one will work. Newegg is awesome when it comes to rma.