My 2142 Weapon Mods


Registered User
Apr 26, 2010
Started working on a few weapons mods for 2142 about a week ago, this is what ive created so far..

EU - Cluster Launcher ( Burst Effect ):
<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

PAC - Laser Cannon ( Rapid Fire ):
<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

These mods need a lot of work before I am finished with them, but what do you guys think so far? :P
The laser cannon is fucking sick, i cant wait to download this, might make things more interesting
That would be nice for a ranked player. An option for the stock gun.
How did you modify these and make these??

I have seen Chopper Girl's mods from back in the early days of the demo, good to see you figured it out :)

Now make the following:
-double machine gun for the front of the gunship (walker top kind)
-Ejection seat for gunship

THAT would be a party.
Haha actually I am going to try and get this mod working on the sxg server, so no download would be needed since I only modifed the server files.
As to making weapon mods, its really simple all you need to do is extract the (server) weapons files (in the objects folder) in your 2142 mod folder and edit the .tweak files with notepad. :P
Example: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142\mods\bf2142\Objects\Weapons_server.ZIP